Nefarious: Merchant of Souls DVD
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- Release Date: 7/22/09
- Run Time: 96 min
- Region Code: 1
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Nefarious: Merchant of Souls
"Nefarious." Adjective. Definition: (typically of an action or activity) wicked, criminal, immoral.
Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal organization in the world today. For filmmaker Benjamin Nolot this was a problem, and he decided to do something about it. What began as a small look into the industry of human trafficking grew into a documentary of discovery called Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. Travel across four continents, into nineteen countries, through alleyways, street corners, and buildings across the globe and have your eyes opened to the fastest growing organized crime in the globe. Interviews with humanitarian leaders, experts who study the growing rate of sex trafficking, former "Johns,"survivors, and more expose the nightmare of sex slavery. From initial recruitment through victim's escape this powerful documentary, Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, will open your eyes the world of human trafficking, and stir your heart to action.
The Story Behind The Documentary
In early 2007 Benjamin Nolot was horrified when he read a news article about a young girl who had been abducted in front of her U.S. Home. Shocked by the eye opening article Nolot arranged a prayer vigil at his local church, but his heart had been changed forever. Nolot founded Exodus Cry, an organization which fights to abolish sex slavery throughout the world. Nolot was ready to take his efforts one step further, however, and later that year set off on a worldwide journey that would evolve into the documentary Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.
When he set off with his film crew, Nolot initially thought he was simply on a "fact finding" mission. As he traveled, however, he began to realize that the things he was learning and stories he was hearing needed to be shared. So, he decided to search deeper, to uncover the nefarious world of human trafficking and his journeys are compiled in his film Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. Nolot did not want to simply present the "facts," however. He had known the some of the facts his whole life, and it was only when a face and story was coupled with them that his heart was changed. So he coupled the "facts," the interviews with humanitarian workers and experts around the world with stories. With stories of sufferers, victims, and the rescued. The presented the facts and the faces. He tells a story of utter darkness, yet he reminds us that if there is action there can also be great hope. Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, growing from a simple news article, portrays the darkness, suffering, and wickedness of the human sex trade through new eyes. Just as Nolot's heart was left forever touched, viewers will have their eyes opened their hearts stirred by the stories and facts found in Nefarious: Merchant of Souls
Exodus Cry
Only a day after the initial prayer vigil Benjamin Nolot organized, a huge human trafficking bust occurred. It involved 2,500 suspects, 77 countries, and was the largest of its kind ever in history. When he heard the news Nolot was rocked to his core. He also learned something, two things actually. First, that fighting human trafficking is a spiritual battle, and prayer needs to be the foundation for any action. Second, that unless you take action nothing can change. So, in 2008, after the act of a generous woman, the transformed Nolot began an organization called Exodus Cry--the same organization that produced Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.
Exodus Cry works in four main areas to fight human trafficking: prevent, intervene, restore, and films. They first seek to address sex slavery's root issues, by working to prevent the beginnings trafficking and to end it. Prayer is the most important part of their prevention, but they also work to raise awareness and to achieve legal reforms throughout the world to enact and enforce laws against human trafficking. Injustice thrives in the shadows, so Exodus Cry works tirelessly to raise awareness, partly through films such as Nefarious: Merchant of Souls. Exodus Cry also works to intervene in the very places the victims are in. They stand in the gap between the victims--with names, faces, and hearts--and the rest of the world that wants to abuse them. They locate victims, reach out to them, care about them, and provide them with avenues of escape--walking with them in every step. Their final work is done in restoration. Renewing broken life, restoring healthy relationships, and instilling a sense of love and worth in rescued children and women. They also provide protection and safe houses. Many of the victims interviewed in Nefarious: Merchant of Souls have stepped through each phase of Exodus Cry's work, and the film gives a picture of how rescuing a victim can work.
Human trafficking and sex slavery is a dark organization that degrades human life and abuses real individuals. The documentary Nefarious: Merchant of Souls illuminates a corner of the darkness, and presents the reality of the growing crime in the world today. This film will change your heart and stir you to action. As you watch it alone, with one or two people, a small or large group you will realize the impact your prayers and action, combined with those sitting around you can make. Nefarious: Merchant of Souls opens eyes, opens a discussion, and opens a door for action. Presenting the facts and the faces, this film calls each viewer to action, to help end injustice.
Nefarious: Merchant of Souls has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America, and may include topics and issues not suitable for younger viewers. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, and this is especially recommended for the documentary Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.
Special Features of Nefarious: Merchant of Souls:
-Behind the scenes look at the documentary's reenactments
-Extended interviews with trafficking experts and survivors
-Deleted scenes and more