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Kendrick Brothers

Kendrick Brothers, Alex and Stephen Kendrick, from Albany Georgia, along with their home Church Sherwood Baptist, have produced life changing, impactful Christian Movies. Their first film, Flywheel, was followed up by a surprise hit, Facing the Giants.The Kendrick Brothers also produced two more hits, Fireproof and Courageous in recent years. FishFlix.com is honored to offer these wonderful movies to you at a great price.

Kendrick Brothers  movies DVDs and Blu-Rays 

If you’ve been a fan of Christian movies for some time, you probably know about the Kendrick Brothers. This duo of Christian moviemakers has taken the Christian film industry by storm over the last 15 years and they have done some incredible things to grow the Christian movie industry and help people to understand that this is a thing to be taken seriously. They helped people to realize that we could make a difference in Hollywood and we can make our own movies with positive messages. We don’t need to simply allow Hollywood to dictate what kind of movies we watch or show to our kids. We can begin to create our own films that have positive messages with family values and wholesome lessons.

The Kendrick Brothers first became popular with the release of their very first film, Flywheel, back in 2003. This was a very small film with a low budget of only $20,000. But with the small amount of money they had and using church volunteers and a single camera, they were able to make a wonderful film with an incredibly impactful message. While many would have written the Kendrick Brothers off when they said they were trying to make a movie, the Kendricks were serious about it. And despite many limitations that would make a Hollywood producer shake his head and walk away, the Kendrick Brothers continued to press on and do what they could to make the best Christian movie possible given their budget.

And thus came about Flywheel, a movie about a car salesman by the name of Jay Austin who has very crooked business practices and a determination to milk as much money out of his unsuspecting customers as possible. Although he claims to be a Christian, his life doesn’t seem to reflect that as he continues to rip off people as much as he possibly can. Even his pastor comes in looking for a car for his daughter and Jay is able to rip him off, making several thousand more for a car than he should have. After this, he begins to realize that he’s made a terrible mistake and he shouldn’t have ripped off the pastor. After being convicted by God that he needs to make a difference and change some of the things that haunt him in his own life, he decides to return all the money he’s stolen and give back everything he’s taken from people – with some surprising results!

This small film out of a church in Georgia was able to make a short run in a theater in Georgia, and people were amazed by its staying power in theaters, as it was held over much longer than they thought possible due to its incredible success. After this, Kendrick brothers were able to take the money they had made and work on making their next film – with a bigger budget, bigger cast, and a better story. This would go on to become Facing the Giants, a football film that once again featured a man at the end of his rope. With a failing team, a struggling wife at home and with everything seemingly going against hi, it seems impossible that he’ll be able to make it out of the situation. But when he begins to pray and ask God for the courage to do everything he needs to, he is able to rise above his challenges. Little by little he sees God working in his own life and as his team begins to win again, he comes to understand some very important life lessons. More importantly, though, he begins to teach his team that the point isn’t to win football games. The point of life is so much more. As he reminds the team about how temporary victory is, he shows them that the most important thing they can do with their lives is give them over to God.

Facing the Giants was able to reach a bigger audience and bring in more money. It was at this point that people were starting to recognize the name Kendrick and people started to take a bigger interest in the Christian film industry as a whole. After this, they created Fireproof, a monumentally big upgrade in scale. In this film, they spotlighted a firefighter named Caleb, played by the well-known actor Kirk Cameron. He was a firefighter who was a hero at his job, saving people and always rescuing lives. But, at home, he and his wife were having horrible fights, and Caleb began to see that he was no longer a hero at home. With his relationship with his wife getting increasingly worse, he began to wonder if there was any way out of his present situation. His dad gives him a book one day and encourages him to hold off on divorcing his wife for 40 days. This book contains forty challenges for Caleb to follow, and they’re all ways in which he can show love to his wife. With their marriage getting increasingly on the rocks, Caleb must save it before it’s too late!

By this point, the Kendricks were working with a much larger budget and had become very well known in the industry. They would go on a few years later to create Courageous, an impassioned movie about fatherhood and featuring four men from the police force, all in different walks with their faith and their relationships with their kids. This movie was their biggest and most impressive movie to date, and was only recently topped by War Room.

In War Room, the Jordan family is struggling to stay together. All pulled their separate ways, it looks like the family could fall apart. Until Elizabeth Jordan is encouraged to start a room dedicated to prayer in her house. She begins to see the dramatic effect of prayer on her household and how spending more time with God can make an incredible and encouraging difference.

All of the Kendrick Brothers films are incredible and inspiring stories that you can watch together with your families. Their films are top-notch and we highly recommend you check them out below. 

War Room DVD
Sale price $5.99 Regular price $24.99 SaleSold Out
Courageous DVD
Sale price $8.99 Regular price $24.99 Sale
No 1 Inspirational Movie of the Year Fireproof Kirk Camron Erin Bethea, Never Leave Your Partner Behind
Sale price $5.99 Regular price $14.99 SaleSold Out
Facing the Giants DVD
Sale price $5.99 Regular price $14.99 SaleSold Out
Flywheel Directors Cut DVD
Sale price $5.99 Regular price $14.99 SaleSold Out
Facing the Giants Blu-ray
Sale price $6.65 Regular price $19.99 SaleSold Out
Courageous Blu-ray
Sale price $18.92 Regular price $29.99 SaleSold Out
War Room Bluray/DVD Combo
Sale price $23.19 Regular price $28.99 Sale
Overcomer Soundtrack  CD
Sale price $11.99 Regular price $12.99 Sale
Sale price $18.99 Regular price $26.99 SaleSold Out
I Still Believe DVD
Regular price $12.95

When Calls the Heart

Christian DVDs starting at $4

"It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.".. ” - Matthew 4:4