History & Church History Movies & DVDs
If you’ve ever been interested in the events that brought us to where we are now, both as a church and as a world, this is the place to find out more! With over 150 DVDs all featuring incredible stories about world history and church history, this is the place to learn more about where our world came from and what has transpired in the past. As you find out more information about our world, you’ll begin to understand how it all fits together in the grand scheme of things and how God has truly created something spectacular through the course of human events. As you learn, you’ll want to learn more and these Christian DVDs can truly be a spectacular tool for you to learn more about the history of our world and how many people, both men and women, were able to rise up and become voices for Christ in dark or lost areas. These tales are both education and inspiring as you learn more about everything that has brought us to this incredible point in history.
We are at an unprecedented time in history. We have technology more advanced than ever before and we’re able to communicate with people on the other side of the planet. Because of this, things have changed significantly and it’s very easy for us to forget everything that originally brought us to this amazing point. That’s why we at FishFlix.com recognize the importance of looking back at where we came from and learning about our roots and origins. For one thing, it’s critical that we learn more about world history so we can learn more about where we came from and what the world was like. We can learn about how God shaped and molded the world and we can see how He had a hand in everything that transpired through the course of thousands of years.
It’s also important that we spend time learning about Church history, so we can see how the church began, what the apostles did, and how everything began to grow once Christ left the earth. We know the story of how it all began. Jesus came down to the earth, spent three years here teaching others, was eventually crucified and rose to life again three days later. Then, after forty days on the earth, he left his disciples the call to go into all the world and spread the good news of His Gospel message. And this would become known as the early church; the time when the disciples worked together to form the basis of what we know today as church. And while now there’s many different sects and demographics, it all began with a singular teacher and a singular idea.
We can learn about church History through these DVDs and we can begin to see how they were able to take the message of one man and make it a calling to millions all over the world. Travelling the Roman road and spreading out in all directions, the disciples began to share their message of eternal salvation to a world that was desperate for a message of hope. And the disciples were able to start churches and grow this message to the many believers living all over the world. It was an encouraging and exciting time and it’s wonderful to see how one message from God’s son could take such a deep root in the lives of thousands, if not millions, as the story of Christ and His church began. Church history is a fascinating study, and we want to make it more accessible to you by the creation of this category of Christian movies. Here you can learn all about the latest releases of films and documentaries that spotlight the lives of the apostles who started the revolution and spread Jesus’ call to the masses. This was an important and incredible time and you will be amazed as you watch the word of God take root in these people’s’ lives and make an eternal difference. It can be an encouraging exploration and we really hope that you will be able to use these Christian movies and DVDs to grow more in your faith and in your understanding about believers in the early church.
Through these many DVDs, you will learn about different people and groups who were able to make a difference for Christ. Not only will you learn about church history, but you’ll also see some people who were able to make a difference later on, like the Amish. This group of people has decided to distance itself from electronics and the convenient inventions that make life a little easier. They try to value the idea of making God a priority and valuing hard work in everyday life. There are some interesting documentaries and dramas that explore their lives. Through them, you will learn about just how hard they work, and how they are able to keep distractions out of their lives so they can better focus on God. You will also learn about wonderful men who made true differences, like Martin Luther, stamping his 95 theses on the door, and John Wesley, and William Tyndale. With so many wonderful lives to learn about, you will begin to feel inspired to make a difference for yourself. We hope that you’ll find these resources to be a wonderful inspiration to you in your everyday life. With over 150 titles to choose from in our collection, you can learn about the different groups of people and different offshoots of Christianity, so you can overall begin to have a better picture of how everything fits together and where it all originally came from. It’s a complex world we live in, but it’s exciting to learn all about where we came from, and where we’re headed! For all of the latest church history and world history DVD titles from a Christian perspective, look no further than here on FishFlix.com!