Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Dr. Meg Meeker Small Group DVD Set
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- Cast: Meg Meeker, M.D.
- Run Time: 400
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Strong Fathers Strong Daughters Dr. Meg Meeker Small Group DVD Set
The most important person in a daughter's life is her father. From before she walks to the moment she walks down the aisle-- and even beyond-- fathers have a profound influence over their daughters' lives. Join Christian pediatrician Dr. Meg Meeker in a series focused on encouraging and equipping fathers to be guiding role models and positive influences in their daughters' lives. Based on her book by the same name the Strong Fathers Strong DaughtersSmall Group Study starts a conversation on becoming a strong, loving Father.
The Study
Parenting is the most important job an individual will ever have. To take a tiny human and help shape it into a god fearing, humble, wise, smart, self-sufficient, kind-- the list goes on and on-- human can be an overwhelming task. It can be especially humbling when you realize the great influence you have over your child's life. In her small group study, Strong Fathers Strong Daughters Dr. Meg Meeker seeks to remind fathers that they are one of the greatest influences on their daughters' lives. She also seeks to show fathers, however, that they already have the skills to be a great daddy, they simply need to rediscover the heart and meaningfully engage with their daughters. The small group study Strong Fathers Strong Daughters seeks to encourage, equip, and motivate fathers to chase after, nurture, and guard their daughter's hearts with the mindset of helping guide and shape her into a woman of integrity, purity, and faith. The study includes eight episodes-- each only forty-five minutes to an hour each-- from Dr. Meg Meeker. The episodes include Dr. Meg Meeker speaking on the most important topics from the book Strong Fathers Strong Daughters, practical teaching on how to incorporate the ideas from Strong Fathers Strong Daughters into daily life, interviews with best selling author Dave Ramsey and his daughter Rachel, and Scripture-based teaching on Fatherhood. Strong Fathers Strong Daughters is created to inspire Dads to recognize the influence they have over their daughters and become godly, guiding forces in their lives.
Fathers Together
While Dr. Meg Meeker's book Strong Fathers Strong Daughters is designed to be a personal daily devotional for a Father alone, her study Strong Fathers Strong Daughters is designed to be used in a group. The set includes a guide to spark meaningful discussion and reflection between fathers. As fathers study Strong Fathers Strong Daughters together they can share their own experiences, study God's view on the subject of fatherhood together, mentor each other, and provide encouragement and accountability for one another as they seek to become the fathers their daughters need. Dr. Meg Meeker's study Strong Fathers Strong Daughters expands upon the topics and ideas presented in her book, so even fathers who have done the devotional will gain new insight, encouragement, and wisdom from the study itself, and from the group of men they study it with. While a father may be one of the most important people in a daughter's life, it takes a team of people to raise her, and it takes a team of fathers to encourage and support each other as they each learn how to be a better father.
Dr. Meg Meeker
Dr. Meg Meeker speaks from the heart in her study Strong Fathers Strong Daughters. As a mother and longtime pediatrician, she knows firsthand how important parents are in a child's life. For over thirty years Dr. Meg Meeker has practiced pediatric and adolescent medicine with her husband. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and serves on the Advisory Board of the Medical Institute. More importantly for Strong Fathers Strong Daughters, however, is the fact that she is a mother and Christian, with a passion in helping parents raise godly sons and daughters. She has spoken nationally on parenting issues, and serves as the co-host of Dr. James Dobson's"Family Talk"í«? radio show. Besides the Strong Fathers Strong Daughters devotional, book, and group study Dr. Meg Meeker has also authored several other books on parenting including Strong Mothers Strong Sons a book containing lessons for Mothers on how they can raise their boys into intentional and strong Godly men. The Ten Habits of Happy Mothers helping mothers reclaim and remember their passion, purpose, and sanity while encouraging them from God's word; and Boys Should Be Boys, a book that shares 7 tips on how to raise your sons in a healthy relationship. Meg and her husband have raised four children, and passionately continue to help parents raise children of faith and integrity.
Whether you have one or five, whether they are newborn or eighteen your role as a father is equally important in your daughter's life. As you seek to nurture her heart, provide an ideal for the men and boys in her life to live up to, point her to Christ, or simply be her friend Strong Fathers Strong Daughters will encourage, equip, and inspire you to be a better Daddy to your little girl. With Biblically based foundations, inspiring stories, and practical applications the Strong Fathers Strong Daughters Small Group Set is designed to help fathers everywhere live up to their God given calling. Whether you study it with one other father, or with ten Strong Fathers Strong Daughters will spark conversation, accountability, mentoring, and encouragement with an from other fathers who desire to help their daughters become beautiful women of God.
Strong Fathers Strong Daughters Small Group Set has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America and may include topics and issues not suitable for young viewers. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children.
The Strong fathers Strong Daughters Small Group Set includes:
-Strong fathers Strong Daughters Small Group Study on two DVDs (eight episodes with a run time of 45-60 minutes each)
-Small Group Participant's Guide which includes scripture based questions for discussion