Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare DVD
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- Producer: St Anthony Communications 2012
- Languages: English
- Run Time: 55 minutes
- Region Code: 1 See More
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Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare
God's creation is full of beauty-- beautiful blue skies, running streams, tiny flowers, awe inspiring mountains-- they all proclaim his majesty. Yet, there is another world God created, that has since turned into a battle ground-- of spiritual warfare. The documentary Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare explores the reality of the Spiritual World, approaching angels, demons, the dangers of the new age and occult movements, and spiritual warfare from a Biblical perspective. Dive deep into God's Word, and realize the reality and importance of the invisible battle being waged around you each and every day.
Angels And Demons
God created the beautiful blue skies, the running streams, tiny flowers, and awe inspiring mountains that bring joy to our hearts and glory to his name, but he also created the angels (see Colossians 1:16 -- the "mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word" (Psalm 103:20b). The angels were created to do God's will, they deliver his messages, serve him, and protect us, his children (Psalm 91:11). It was from these mighty heavenly beings, however, that God's greatest adversary came. The documentary style film Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare explores the creations of the angels, but it also addresses the origins of Spiritual Warfare. As the Bible describes in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 Satan was at one time an angel. In fact, Satan was the "guardian cherub," one of the most beautiful-- if not the most beautiful-- of God's creations. Satan, however, was not content to serve the King of Kings. He was not satisfied with his position as one of the highest angels. Instead, he wanted to be God, to kick God off of his throne essentially. He became vain, proud, and corrupt, as the Bible says (speaking about Satan), your heart can become overwhelmingly proud of your own beauty. This attitude can lead you into an incredible amount of trouble and drastically change your point of view; for the worse! So, as viewers will learn in Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare, God cast him from heaven. (Ezekiel 28:16). God cast not only Satan out of heaven, however, but also a full third of his angels whom had become corrupted and joined Satan (see 2 Peter 2:4). Now, God, and the angels, fight a war against Satan and these fallen angels (called demons) that will continue until Christ's return. Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare discusses Satan's fall from heaven, and focuses on the reality of spiritual warfare, but also encourages believers by reminding them that these are already defeated foes, and they will be forever conquered at Christ's return
Conversation, Lessons, and Encouragement
While the documentary film Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare explores some difficult, heavy topics, the film also is a valuable tool in learning lessons, starting conversations, and finding encouragement from a difficult topic. Whether you watch Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare with a small group, spouse, friend, family member, or your children, this film is a valuable tool in sparking fruitful discussions. It provides an opportunity to introduce or build upon God's plan of salvation, and his story of redemption throughout the pages of history. It introduces pieces of God's character, such as his justice, his complete holiness, and his goodness. It provides an opportunity to discuss God's protection and sovereignty over our lives as well as his mighty power and holiness. For those unfamiliar with Christianity, Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare can provide a foundation from which to share the story of God's Word. No matter what topic, question, or answer, Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare will encourage viewers of all ages to dive deep into God's word to discover truth for themselves. Besides being a valuable conversation starter, the documentary Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare provides valuable lessons viewers of a wide age range can grasp. The reality of the Spiritual realm and Spiritual Warfare is made very evident through this film, and this documentary will open your eyes to, or remind you of, the invisible battle fought around us every day. This film also illustrates the consequences of pride, and that God cannot be deceived. It also illustrates the mighty power of God, and will encourage viewers of the truth that not a hair on our heads can be harmed without God's consent. Not only will Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare encourage viewers with the truth of God's powerful protection over their lives, but it will also encourage them with the truth that the forces of evil have ultimately already been defeated-- it is only a matter of time.
With several experts, pastors, and theologians discussing the topics of angels, demons, spiritual warfare, new age movements, and more Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare is a powerful film that explores the topics surrounding Spiritual Warfare from a Biblical perspective. Whether viewers watch it alone, with a group, or as a family, Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare will start fruitful conversations, instill valuable lessons, and encourage the hearts of all who watch it.
Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warefare was rated G by the Motion Picture Association of America. Some topics and issues may not be suitable for younger viewers, but the film Powers and Dominions: Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare is considered appropriate for most audiences. As always, however, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children.