Divination DVD
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- Cast: D'Angelo Midili, Natasha Sims, Lisa Coronado
- Director: Ben Pohl
- Producer: Ben Pohl
- Languages: English
- Dove Approved: Dove Approved Ages 12+
- Run Time: 99 minutes
- Screen Format: WS
- Subtitles: English
- Closed Captioning: Yes
- Region Code: 0 See More
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Summary Of Divination
Divination is a gripping 2011 thriller that focuses on the spiritual warfare going on all around us. Similar in style to Frank Peretti novels like This Present Darkness, this movie takes a dark look at the forces that are at work in our world. The movie focuses on Jason and his wife Jessica. Jason is a young and successful artist, happy with his work and ready to start a new life and new family. Jason and Jessica are excited about their new baby on the way, but Jason begins to become tormented by satanic forces working in his life.
Full of intrigue and thrilling excitement, Divination becomes even more intense when Jason's mysterious friend Dee returns. Jason discovers he's being tormented by demons, particularly one named Fear. Fear has been whispering nightmares and thoughts into Jason's head that make him believe Jessica is in unstoppable danger. Jason begins a descent into complete and total madness, and warfare takes place as a powerful angel by the name of Joshua steps up to put a stop to Fear. This film is a powerful, and frighteningí«ÌÎ_reminder to not trust every spirit.
Divination Behind the Scenes
Featuring D'Angelo Midili, Eric Riedmann, Lisa Coronado, Natasha Sims, Philipp Aurand, and Tucker Boggio, this thriller was released to film festivals in 2011 and was written and directed by Ben Pohl. Divination is an independent film that finally received a DVD release back in October of 2015. It has a runtime of 99 minutes.
The Story behind Divination
In Divination, Jason and Jessica live a happy life. Recently married, they enjoy their new life together and are looking forward to becoming a family. Jason is a full-time successful artist and together they are ready to start a new journey together. When Jessica discovers that she is pregnant, they are excited about the prospect of their new baby and the future that they have. Around this time, their old mysterious friend Dee reappears under mysterious circumstances. While perplexed about where he has been and what he's been up to, they are excited to have him back and look forward to spending time with him as well.
Things begin to take a turn for the worst however, when Jason begins to descend into complete and total madness. Every night, Jason has intense dreams of losing Jessica. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees her in inescapable danger. The worst part for him is that he is unable to do anything to stop it. All he can do is look on as his wife is killed time and time again. What he doesn't realize is that this is all under the influence of a demon, Fear. Fear is working to put fearful images into his head which will hopefully cause him to crack and descend into a deep depression and madness.
On the other side of the spiritual realm, a powerful angel by the name of Joshua notices this and decides to put a stop to it. Entering into a battle with Fear, Joshua and his assistant Daniel must work together to put a stop to Fear's works and help Jason to see the other heavenly side of the spiritual realm. It's an incredible battle of good against evil as the two forces collide in a visual effects filled war. We all appreciate an epic good versus evil story, and Divination is an excellent example of this.
On the earthly side of this battle, things begin to get worse as Jason suddenly begins to see everything going on in the spiritual realm. He begins to see weird creatures and meet strange, seemingly other-worldly creatures. Jason is caught in between two sides of an epic spiritual battle. His wife Jessica is unable to fight back and she can only sit and watch helplessly as her husband is driven absolutely mad by the spiritual forces around him. Will evil win out over Jason, or will the forces of good be able to fight back and restore Jason to his former self? Find out in this epic thriller, Divination.
Spiritual Forces at Work
It's easy to go our whole lives without realizing that these forces ever exist, but biblical testimony clearly states that there are forces, both good and evil at work in our lives constantly. Bible verses cite the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms. Recent projects like Divination or Frank Peretti's popular novel This Present Darkness help to spotlight this fact. Most Christians believe in basic concepts, but many often don't realize just how complex and in-depth the spiritual world is. There truly are angels and demons, and they are fighting for your heart constantly. This is why it is vital that we make Jesus our Lord and Savior so He can govern our lives and be the one that guides us always.
Divination is an intense and thrilling movie that focuses on a unique and unusual subject. Often, we like to live nominal Christian lives, believing in God, but not focusing on what goes on in the spiritual realms. We like to focus on what we can see here and now. We like to focus on what can be experienced; what is tangible. But Divination is a wake-up call that there are spiritual forces at work, and things are truly happening all around us that we don't see. Telling the riveting story of Jason and his descent into madness as he becomes possessed by an evil spirit, this film acts as a necessary reminder to Christians that we must always be on the watch. It is vital for us to guard our hearts and always protect ourselves from the evil spirits. Besides being a gripping thriller, this movie also serves as an encouraging reminder that there are also good spiritual forces at work. It's easy to get depressed or scared by the fact that there are dark forces at work. But we need to never forget that if we have faith in Christ, we have an army of angels who will help guard us and protect us from the evil one. Divination is a powerful and moving film that every Christian needs to see.