Max Lucados Resurrection DVD
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- Director: Andrea Jobe
- Producer: Tom Newman
- Dove Approved: Dove Family Approved
- Release Date: 12/31/65 See More
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Max Lucado: Resurrection
Claudius was simply a Roman guard following orders. After the prisoner's death, however, something just does not seem right. From the Christian author Max Lucado comes a story about a man searching for truth, Resurrection. Claudius finds himself in the middle of a cover-up after the death of Christ. When he begins investigating he finds the religious leaders, government leaders, and even his closest friends are hiding something, something important. Can he discover the truth before he loses his reputation, or his life?
Once Claudius (Robert Jobe) was simply a Roman soldier. Marching here and there, keeping the unruly Judeans in line, polishing his sword, talking with his buddy Marcus (Mark Steele) and sometimes wishing for a different life. When he participates in the execution of a crazy preacher (Jesus Christ), however, his life in Resurrection is about to change. Assigned to guard duty on the outside of Christ's tomb, Claudius, unlike his fellow soldiers, cannot seem to shake his memories of the unusual man they killed. Suddenly, the wind picks up, the fire flickers, lightning crashes, the soldiers start running for shelter, and suddenly, when Claudius is only a few steps from the tomb, he hears a sudden noise behind him. Turning, he sees something miraculous, the brightly shining stone is breaking open, and suddenly he is thrown to the ground.
Shaken Claudius begins wondering how a prisoner, dead for three, days could somehow "escape" his tomb. Despite the risk to his own post, reputation, and life Claudius begins questioning the life and death of this mysterious man. As Resurrection unfolds viewers see Claudius, seeking for answers. He follows a young boy he recognizes from the execution, and finds some of Jesus' followers, but when he demands to see the body, they tell him they have none. As his quest for truth continues, he begins to face opposition from the Romans, and the Jewish leaders, but he continues. As the opposition facing him rises, so does his desire for the truth, but it might be to late for him to escape the traps being laid.
Max Lucado
Max Lucado was raised in Texas, and the son of an oil worker and nurse had big dreams-- he wanted to be a lawyer. So, to start his journey to the top of the totem pole he attended Abilene Christian University and received a degree in Mass Communication. During his time at college, however, his dream was dramatically changed. A required Bible course, and a missions trip, shook his heart and mind, and the young Max Lucado decided he wanted to become a missionary. The writer of Resurrection, still had a long way to go before he could pursue that desire-- he needed to get a graduate degree in Biblical studies and work two years at a church. Lucado was determined, however, and quickly received his graduate degree in Biblical studies, then traveled to Florida to work as the associate pastor in a church outside of Miami. After his training was finally complete, Max and his newlywed wife Denalyn moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as full time missionaries. After only five years on the mission field, in 1987, Max's father suddenly died, so Max and his family moved back the United States to care for his mother. In 1988 he was hired as the pastor of Oak Hills Church of Christ in San Antonio, Texas-- a position he would serve in until he stepped down in 2007 for health reasons. Max Lucado is most well known for his hundreds of books, on of which inspired the film Resurrection.
Valuable Truths, Valuable Lessons
Max Lucado's Resurrection is filled with valuable lessons and truths viewers of every age can learn from. The most powerful, is the importance of truth. Of knowing the truth. The Roman soldier Claudius worked tirelessly, against fierce opposition, to understand and know the truth because he knew its value. He recognized the truth could set him free. Another strong lesson in the film Resurrection is that the truth of God cannot be suppressed or hidden forever, eventually it will come to light. Also, that the truth and word of God will not be shaken or hindered by the actions of mere men, it is more powerful. Another powerful truth of Max Lucado's story Resurrection is that God releases people from fear and darkness. His truth can redeem and save. Perhaps, however, the most beautiful part of Resurrection is simply the story, a story that everyone can identify with. An individual, seeking for truth. Though all around him call him crazy, though life seems to oppose him left and right, his heart desperately yearns to know the truth. He wants to know his God, the real God, he wants to know the story of his Savior.
Max Lucado's story Resurrection is a powerful story about redemption, about truth, about the power of God to set men free. It teaches values like perseverance, courage, faith, truth, and salvation. Resurrection provides valuable opportunities to discuss with your kids or friends about what truth is. What defines truth? What makes it truth? It provides an opportunity to instill the knowledge that truth comes from God. Resurrection is an opportunity to share and reinforce the story of the gospel. It might be from a new perspective, through new eyes, but it is still the powerful story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Max Lucado's Resurrection has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. It was, however, awarded the "faith friendly" seal for ages twelve and up by the Dove Foundation. The twelve and up caution was awarded for some bloody scenes of Jesus on the cross. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, but the film Resurrection is considered suitable for most audiences.
The run time for Resurrection is approximately 50 minutes.