The American Heritage 10 DVD Boxed Set
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- Cast: David Barton
- Producer: Impact Productions
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Estimated arrival between Monday March 17th and Friday March 21st for USA.

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The American Heritage Series: 10 DVD Boxed Set
The American Heritage Series 10 DVD Boxed Set is a priceless collection that everyone wanting to learn more about history will want to have in their home. With over thirteen hours of content, this series presents lessons about the forgotten history of America. Each of the episodes provides in-depth studies of famous and forgotten American heroes, as well as moral lessons regarding history. The American Heritage Series returns to America's forgotten roots and examines the Constitution. Informational and entertaining, this boxed set is perfect for schools, home study, or simply for entertainment. This series reminds viewers of topics and lessons taught in school, but goes into much further study of these topics. Each point is expanded and carefully examined to provide viewers with a historical lesson that they have never experienced before. Reconnect with your country, find your constitutional roots, and discover what it truly means to be an American. The American Heritage Series 10 DVD Boxed Set is an incredible buy, sure to please anyone looking to learn more about history.
Included On Each Disc
Disc 1: This DVD contains lessons one through three of The American Heritage Series. These episodes take a look at America's Christian foundation and study what religion has to do with the Constitution and where it has gone in government today. These segments unearth the Christian history that America has and deeply study the Christian principles found in the Constitution and other early founding documents.
Disc 2: Containing episodes four and five, this disc studies the founding fathers. Examine their faith and what was important to them. Why did they write the things they did in the Constitution. What did it mean to be a leader? What would they think of our government in the state that it is today? These episodes examine the faith of the founding fathers and discovers how religion shaped the writing of famous historical documents, as well as the way that the government is laid out.
Disc 3: This disc has episodes six, seven, and eight. Episode six studies the birth of America, and the ideas that shaped it. What were the general principles behind the founding of America? Are they still being followed today? Episode seven studies the Constitution and the Biblical origins contained within. Episode eight poses the question, "Is America a Christian nation?" and studies the origins of Christianity in America and the evolution between the faith that founded our country to the seeming moral depravity now found in America.
Disc 4: This DVD contains episodes nine and ten of The American Heritage Series. These lessons focus on the First Amendment, and the true meaning behind it. It also studies how this relates to the Bible and the separation of church and state. This lesson is compelling and focuses deeply on how to decipher the First Amendment and remain true to one's faith and one's country.
Disc 5: Episodes eleven, twelve and thirteen focus on the influence of Christians and the Bible in America. How has the Bible shaped America? Does it still have relevancy in today's culture and government? How have pastors helped give us freedom and independence in America? What is their role in government and our country?
Disc 6: Episodes 14-16 of this series are found on disc six. Episode 14 discusses when religion was culture, and when the common belief found in the people was Christianity. How did America stray so far from how it once was? Episode fifteen studies the faith found in government and in the courtroom. The founding fathers brought their faith into every part of government, but now faith is purposely being removed from government. Episode sixteen studies the myths of the judiciary system, and provides explanations for common misconceptions about the judicial branch of law.
Disc 7: This disc contains episodes 17-19. This three part episode discusses evidence for a spiritual heritage in America. Our country was founded on principles of religion and the spiritual heritage cannot be ignored. These episodes are especially controversial, as religion is being pulled out of everything having to do with government and the origins of America.
Disc 8: Episodes 20 and 21 of The American Heritage Series follow the changing education system in this country. What does a Constitutional model of education look like? How do we take what we have today and shape it to align with the Constitution?
Disc 9: This disc contains episodes twenty two, twenty three, and twenty four. Episode 22 discusses famous black patriots in America, and studies their heritage and their community. Episode 23 studies the journey from bondage to freedom. Congress is examined and the legal system is put to the test. Episode 24 studies racial equality and the Civil Rights Movement. How did America call itself the land of the free and still keep people in bondage? What did the journey from to slavery to freedom look like? Are the chains of racism still wrapped around those in America? These three episodes focus mainly on racial tensions and what the Constitution has to say about true freedom.
Disc 10: The final disc in this series contains episodes 25-26. Episode 25 focuses on the assault to Judeo-Christian values that has happened in America. How have values changed and evolved since the beginning of America? Is Christianity going to be completely eradicated soon or is there a way that our country can be returned to its roots? Episode 26 studies what it means to be a free citizen. How does this affect our daily life? How do we provide others with freedom? When do we need to step up and defend the rights given to us by our forefathers? This dramatic conclusion is inspiring and will light viewers with passion for true patriotism.
The American Heritage Series 10 DVD Boxed Set takes a hard look at what America has become today, and how this compares to what it once was. The topics presented in these lessons are bold and moving, sure to inspire patriotism and a fight for freedom in everyone who watches.