Kirk Cameron's Unstoppable DVD
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- Cast: Kirk Cameron
- Director: Darren Doane
- Producer: John Bona
- Languages: English
- Region Code: 1 See More
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From Provident Films and star of Fireproof and Monumental, Kirk Cameron, comes another documentary style movie, Unstoppable. This Christian film, explores the age old question, "Why?" Why do bad things happen to good people? How can a God who claims to be loving allow so much suffering? Where is God in times of tragedy? In Unstoppable, Kirk travels back to the very beginning, Genesis, in a quest to understand the origins of good and of bad, and how those two words can change our lives, and our eternities. Journey with Kirk in a quest for truth and understanding, and have your faith strengthened along the way.
Our Faith Can Impact
It is interesting how we can often come through difficulties and doubts in our faith stronger than we were before. I think many can relate to the above statement, but how many of us also realize that the things we wrestle with can impact the lives of those around us for good, and for bad? We can either abandon belief altogether, or we can seek out truth and understanding, both of which will ultimately have ripple effects, not only for us, but also for those who touch our lives. For Kirk, the latter approach was the path he took. Struggling to understand, "Why?" after the death of a family friend's child he embarked on a personal quest for truth, which would ultimately culminate in the documentary Unstoppable. Kirk allowed God to use a stumbling block in his own life, to reach thousands of other people who have had or currently have the same stumbling block in their own lives. This is a lesson which viewers can take away from this film, to consider how their suffering can impact those around them for good.
Start With Scripture
When tragedy or difficult times hit our lives, we so often go directly to God's ear, and those around us for understanding. We sit and yell or cry or whisper at God, "Why? I just want to know!" Or, we reach out to the family and friends around us with the same questions. Neither of these are bad approaches, God has placed people around us to encourage and disciple us, and we know that we can boldly approach the throne of God, but is there a place we can find answers that so many of us overlook? The Bible, the Word of God, which God has given to us. The fact that so many of the answers Unstoppable tries to give the viewer are rooted in scripture, is a strong point of this documentary. Kirk takes us directly to the word of God to understand the roots of sin and suffering, bypassing debate and argument with God, and going straight to the answers he has already provided us with. God has given us the scriptures for encouragement and instruction. To give us answers and hope. And we can rest assured that his words are right, good, and perfect because he assures us of this in Psalm 19:7-11, As the viewer watches Unstoppable, the will be encouraged to seek answers in scripture in their own lives.
Perhaps the largest lesson, strongest theme, and biggest takeaway from the film Unstoppable is one simple word-- trust. This is the idea that Kirk stresses throughout the entire documentary. We can trust the God of the universe because he is only good. We can trust him because he is powerful. We can trust him because he is wise. We can trust him because he is righteous. We can trust him because he speaks only truth. We can trust him because he created us. We can trust him because he had, and has, a plan of salvation and redemption. We can trust him because he loves us, always. Even when we do not think he is loving. By going back and tracing the origins of good and evil, and their path through history Kirk gives the viewer a foundation of understanding and truth, to then look and consider their own lives, struggles, and situations. What the whole issue, "Why?", boils down to, however, is two simple questions- "Do we, and can we, trust God?"Ì_åÇ? Kirk's resounding answer, and Unstoppable's resounding answer is, "YES!" Yes, you can trust him and here is why. . .
Unstoppable, which bravely tackles the questions in the back of our minds that we ourselves may be too afraid to ask, is a wonderful film to watch as a family or group. It is a film almost everyone can relate to, we have all had times of sorrow or tragedy, and so, it is a film that will encourage everyone. Spend just over an hour of your life (65 minutes), and walk away with a stronger grasp on your faith, and a renewed belief and trust in the God who created you.
Unstoppable has not been rated, but was awarded the "family friendly" seal for ages twelve and up by the Dove Foundation. Some violent scenes (such as the story of Cain and Abel) may not be suitable for young children, and some topics discussed may not be understood or comprehended by younger viewers. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is considered suitable for their children, but this film is considered safe for most viewers.