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Mary: Mother of Jesus DVD
The film Mary: Mother of Jesus explores Jesus' life through his mother Mary's perspective. The story is filled with true examples of love, faith & sacrifice and while showing the reality of Mary's life in that moment, it celebrates Mary's important and essential role as Jesus' mother. Just like any mother, Mary always worried for her child's safety and wanted to keep him from harm's way but now as Jesus is sentenced to the death, Mary's incredible faith is tested. From the beginning she accepted His divine destiny and makes sure she continues to spread His message wherever she goes.
About the film Mary: Mother of Jesus DVD
Mary: Mother of Jesus is an authentically representation of Jesus' life and it shows a different perspective through the eyes of Mary, his mother. The film's center of attention is Mary's passion, joy and of course, agony as the Romans arrest Jesus and crucify him. Executive producers Eunice Kennedy Shriver and Bobby Shriver show great dedication and responsibility in creating a different look to the inspirational and greatly known "Mary". The film is authentically moving and doesn't go over the top in certain religious topics.
Joining the Shrivers is director Kevin Connor who managed to take the material to a new level and had wonderful management towards his cast and crew. Pernilla August, the Swedish actress who plays Mary embraces the role with grace and shows Mary's essence. Albert Ross screenplay focuses on Mary and does it in a great way although it's known to not be entirely accurate. Mary: Mother of Jesus shows some part of Mary's childhood and the visit of the angel telling her the important role she was about to take on. Also, it's shown in the film how Mary tended to her son throughout his life till the resurrection. Jesus is shown when he was a young juvenile and then as a young adult. There are many meaningful moments in Mary: Mother of Jesus where the characters show deep emotion like Joseph's death, Jesus' crucifixion and his death.
One of the things that sets apart Mary: The Mother of Jesus DVD is the exquisite details shown about that specific time period, beautiful costume design that add to the period, excellent acting and beautiful location in Budapest. It's a simple film that doesn't distract audiences with major epic effects and illustrates the doubt and hostility of the large group that wanted Jesus' undoing and for him to be guilty.
Full of Grace, another point of view of Mary's story
In the Bible it is mentioned that the Disciples followed Jesus' calling to take the message to every corner of the Earth. The book of Acts lets us know some insight about the miracles the apostles witnessed and details of what they taught others. Although not many information is mentioned in the Bible about how the disciples handled the anxieties and mental pressure of evangelizing. They had limited direction other than what Jesus had instilled in them and the Holy Spirit. The disciples had to figure it out without having Jesus physically there. The Disciples encountered many oppositions every day and they faced many times when they had to defend their faith opposite to those who didn't believe.
In Full of Grace, Peter is suddenly struggling with the duties of being a follower of Jesus in this moment in time of prosecution. In look for a solution, Peter relies on the person who knew Jesus better than anyone else on earth, Mary from Mary: Mother of Jesus DVD. Even though Mary is ill and being cared for, she supplies wisdom and support as he seeks guidance on going forward with the Disciples. Peter doubts his potential to lead, and wonders why Jesus elected him even though he had a very simple job, being a fisherman. He doubted his potential in speaking the truth of Jesus. He was concerned about blasphemers that disturbed the early church. Mary advises Peter that while trusting in God, he has no reason to fear.
At the end of the film, Mary goes to be with the Lord as she was encircled by those who most loved and respected her. Before her death she encourages everybody there by mentioning how God is within each and every one of them. Also, she reminds them that occasional suffering is necessary in the walk with Christ but at the end it will be incredibly rewarded and all the pain would lose importance.
The director of the film Full of Grace, Andrew Hyatt decided to utilize flashbacks as both Peter and Mary reminisce about life before Jesus' time of service. These flashbacks occur several times during the film as Peter and Mary remember those times.
In this film there are no action sequences and a small amount of dialogue. The film is visually beautiful. The lighting and settings add to that beautiful aesthetic. In the Bible the story is not specifically like it is shown in the movie. Although the story presented in the movie in itself is historically authentic. The film adds a different perspective to Jesus' story since there is not a big amount of stories about Mary after His death and resurrection. The director appreciates Mary's role in the lives of the Disciples therefore he wanted to accentuate her words of wisdom and tenderness as attributes to follow. The movie is filled with excellent examples of family-friendly content.
Mary: Mother of Jesus DVD Info
Mary: Mother of Jesus was released originally in 1999 then released in DVD in spring of 2003 and runs for 1 hour and 28 minutes. The film was directed by Kevin Connor (Great Expectations) and the screenplay was made possible by Albert Ross. Executive producing the film is Eunice Kennedy Shriver and Robert Shriver. Starring in Mary: Mother of Jesus is Christian Bale (The Dark Knight), Pernilla August (Star Wars- Episode 1), Geraldine Chaplin (Chaplin) and David Threlfall (Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World).