The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith DVD
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- Cast: Sherry Morris, Carman, Eleese Lester
- Languages: English
- Dove Approved: Dove Family Approved
- Run Time: 91 minutes
- Region Code: 0 See More
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The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith
When Naomi's Israelite husband died, she was expected to return to her father's Moabite house. She chose instead to follow her mother-in-law Naomi to a faraway land, and serve an unknown God. Based on the Biblical book of Ruth, The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith tells the story of Ruth, the Moabitess, whose courage and faith resulted in the continuation of God's plan. Pure Flix Entertainment, the creators of God's Not Dead, brings the story of Ruth to life like never before.
Ruth-- "Where You Go I Will Go"
When Elimelech and his family arrived in Moab the young Moabitess Ruth most likely never expected what lay ahead. Although unusual, Ruth-- a Moabite-- and one of Elimelech's sons-- an Israelite-- were married. For years the Israelites happily lived in Moab, while their home in Bethlehem suffered great famine, but then sorrow struck the family. First Elimelech died, then his sons Mahlon and Chilion, leaving his wife Naomi, and his two son's wives, Ruth and Orpah, widows. So the story played out in The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith begins. Filled with grief Naomi set out for her home in Israel. Her two young and widowed daughters-in-law journeyed with her. But Naomi took pity on the girls, and bid them to return to their father's homes and take new husbands. Orpah turned back toward her home in Moab, but Ruth clung to Naomi begging her to let her continue, saying that she didn't want Naomi to make her leave. She wanted to stay with Naomi and go wherever she went. So, the two grief-stricken women of The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith continued on their way toward Bethlehem. Upon arrival Naomi was greeted with joy, but she responded with bitter sorrow because of the course her life had taken. Naomi and Ruth, having no way to provide for themselves lived in poverty, and Ruth had to glean the ears of grain from after the harvesters for their bread. Gleaning one day in the field of Boaz, Ruth catches the eye of the compassionate, humble man who treats her kindly and tells her to glean in his fields. As the story of Ruth, portrayed in The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith continues, Boaz becomes a protector of Ruth and Naomi, and, after following the Israelite laws, redeems and marries Ruth. The woman who sacrificed her life in Moab to follow God's call would eventually become the mother of Obed, the grandfather of King David. She, a gentile from an enemy nation, allowed God to use her in his story of redemption, as an ancestor to Jesus.
Humility And Other Themes
The story of Ruth, and the film The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith are filled with lessons and themes viewers of all ages can learn from. Not the least of these is humility. Both Ruth, and Boaz are display humility throughout the story of Ruth. Gleaning, the gathering of fallen stalks of grain after the harvesters have moved on, was a way of gathering food that only the poorest of the poor did. Yet, because Ruth loved Naomi, and because she was following God's path, she willingly humbled herself to care for those around her. In the same way, Boaz's humility is evident in the way he cared for people, even those he had never met. Ruth's story in The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith is one that will teach viewers of all ages the importance of humility. Ruth's story is also one of great faith and trust in God's protection and providence. Moving hundreds of miles from her homeland, into a land with different cultures, customs, laws, and God was no easy task. In fact, it was probably very difficult. Yet, Ruth was willing to set discomfort, fear, and heartache aside and cling to her new found God, trusting him to protect, provide, and carry her. Ruth's story is one of an individual who was willing to risk everything to follow God, and her story also shines as an example of God's trustworthiness, who not only provided for Ruth and Naomi's immediate needs, but also for her future. Ruth's story is an example of how God can use ordinary people in extraordinary ways to accomplish his plan. All we have to do is be humble and filled with faith.
The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith breathes life into the well known story of Ruth. As the characters come to life, so do the lessons and the truths. Ruth's humility, trust, courage, faith, and strength are a lesson to all, as is Boaz' humility, compassion, kindness, and faith. The story of Ruth will encourage viewers to consider the needs of others above their own, it will challenge viewers to a deeper faith and trust in God, it will remind viewers of God's providence and his wonderful plan of redemption, and it will inspire them to say "Where you go I will go." As your family travels with Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz they will most importantly be reminded that God can use the weak, grieving, outcasts, and insignificant to accomplish his plan. All that is required is a willing heart, and a desire to follow.
The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. Based on the Biblical book of Ruth, this film is considered family friendly. As always, however, it is recommend that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, but the film The Ultimate Life is considered appropriate for most audiences.