This is Our Time DVD
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- Cast: Shawn-Caulin Young (Thor), Kate Cobb (The Ghosts), T.J. Dalrymple, Matthew Florida (Marriage Retreat), Erin Bethea (Fireproof), Bruce Marchiano (The Encounter), Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight) Erik Estrada, & Dawn Wells.
- Director: Lisa Arnold
- Producer: Anna Zielinski, David A.R. White, Michael Scott, Russell Wolfe, Elizabeth Travis, Lisa Arnold
- Dove Approved: Dove Family Approved
- Release Date: 4/15/09
- Run Time: 98 See More
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This is Our Time - DVD
Catherine, Ethan, Al, Luke and Ryder and are five friends with a common faith in God. After graduation from college, they each set out to make an impact in the world for God. Their ambitions are high, their passions are strong but will they have the courage to fulfill their calling regardless of what comes their way. The sacrifice they are asked to pay may just be too high. Through godly wisdom from an outside source, the group realizes that this is not their time after all, it's all His!
With guest appearance by Bruce Marchiano (The Encounter, The Visual Bible)
No day in life holds more promise and more challenge than the day a person graduates from college. The opportunities and decisions that lie before you are vast and varied. Where will you engage in your life's work? Will family factor into your equation? Will you use your talents for personal gain or to benefit others? The possibilities are endless and the stakes are high, as the choices you make now will affect the course of the rest of your life.
This Is Our Time is a story of five friends - Catherine, Ethan, Alexandria, Luke and Ryder - who have come to this time of decision. They all share a common faith in God and after graduation from college, their faith motivates them to make choices that they believe will lead them to impact the world for God. Driven by youthful exuberance and hopeful ambition, they are determined to strike out on the path to their destiny. But they soon find that things don't always go as we have scripted in our minds.
Alexandria (Erin Bethea) and Luke (T.J. Dalrymple) get married right out of college and decide to follow the call of God on their lives to move to India to minister to orphans. Though they are following what they believe to be God's call, a terrible tragedy occurs during their time in India that will rock the lives and challenge the faith of the entire group of friends.
Ryder (Matthew Florida) and Catherine (Kate Cobb) both land their dream jobs right out of college. At first they seem destined get together and live happily ever after, that is, until Ryder begins a relationship with a co-worker in his new office. How could Catherine have been so wrong about the man she thought God had chosen for her? Pressure at work adds to Catherine's anxiety and confusion as she finds herself working for an unscrupulous boss (Erik Estrada) and then has to decide whether or not to confront him.
Ethan (Shaun Caulin-Young), Alexandria's brother, is struggling to find his place in the world. He thought the next step for his life after college was to attend graduate school, but when he fails to be accepted to any of the programs to which he applied, he ends up working at his dad's diner. He'd always thought God had a big plan for his life, so why did God leave him working at such a dead-end job during this pivotal time?
Will these determined Christians have the courage to stay true to their commitments when life comes at them with difficulties and losses? Will they persevere to be good stewards of what has been invested in them to make a difference in the world, or decide that the cost is too high and instead settle for the comforts their education can afford?
This group of friends labor under the misconception that this is their time and it is their responsibility to make these pivotal life decisions. But when circumstances heat up, they are led to question what would happen if they realized that the weight of the decisions was not theirs to bear at all. What if they lived as though the time they have been given is a gift to be enjoyed and what if they took hold of the fact that peace in the midst of decision-making can be theirs if only they would look to God to work out His plan for this time? For these friends, godly wisdom comes to them from an unexpected source at just the right time. Through a series of events, the characters discover the truth that time is in the hands of the One who set time in motion in the first place. By tapping into His wisdom, answers become clear and peace comes in knowing that He does all things well.
This Is Our Time brings to the surface some hard questions with which the viewers must grapple. Does God have a specific plan for every life? Do difficulties and losses indicate that you are on the wrong path? If you are following God's plan for your life, does that mean He will ensure that everything runs smoothly? Is setting aside your own plan to follow God's plan a guarantee of safety and security?
Directed by Lisa Arnold and staring Shawn-Caulin Young (Thor), Kate Cobb (The Ghosts), T.J. Dalrymple, Matthew Florida (Marriage Retreat), Erin Bethea (Fireproof), Bruce Marchiano (The Encounter), Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight) Erik Estrada, and Dawn Wells, this Pure Flix Entertainment film will challenge viewers to ask if they are truly listening for the voice of God to give them direction for their future. It will also encourage viewers to grow in the calling they know, even as they are seeking for additional direction. The truth is, while we are so preoccupied with discovering what we are supposed to DO with our lives, God is concerned with who He has made us to BE to the world He has placed us in.
The story of This Is Our Time will ring true for anyone who has ever experienced trials in life that left them wondering where God was or why He allowed certain events to transpire (and who among us has not had that experience). It will encourage anyone who is searching for their purpose and striving to position themselves to be what they think God has called them to be. It reminds us that God simply asks that we seek to be effective wherever He has placed us at the time. The One who has called you to the place you are currently in is faithful to achieve His purpose, whether you think you are perfectly positioned or not. The film is a good reminder that the presence of challenges in life does not mean that God is absent. He is there, giving us the strength to carry on and be effective in the world for His sake.
While parents should always review all content to ensure it is suitable for their children, This Is Our Time is considered acceptable to all audiences.