The Bible Stories: Jacob DVD
Additional Information
- Cast: Lara Flynn Boyle, Sean Bean, Christopher Waltz and Matthew Modine.
- Languages: English, Spanish
- Release Date: 6/27/12
- Run Time: 91 Minutes
- Screen Format: WS
- Subtitles: English, Spanish See More
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The Bible Stories: Jacob
The Bible Stories: Jacob tells the story of a young man's journey from a son to the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. His amazing story is unique and contains many powerful lessons. From his rivalry with Esau to his great love with Rachel, Jacob's story is vividly expressed throughout this film. Brought to life in a whole new way, the events that shaped the man he eventually became are portrayed in a realistic and dramatic manner. His rise to power and struggle to become a great leader for God is depicted throughout this film in a way that will make his life become vivid and tangible to viewers. The Bible Stories: Jacob is the perfect film for anyone wanting to know more about the life of Jacob or simply wanting wholesome Christian entertainment for their entire family to enjoy.
The Bible Stories: Jacob begins with the story of Jacob and Esau. Their relationship is shown to be somewhat fragile, as Esau is their father's favorite child and Jacob is their mother's favorite. Being the oldest, Esau has first claim to his father's blessing, and this angers Rebekah, their mother. She believes that Jacob, though he is younger, actually deserves the blessing. She wants him to carry out the family legacy and be in charge.
Their father's health starts rapidly declining, and he is on his deathbed when he is to give Esau the blessing. However, in a careful trick planned by Rebekah and Jacob together, Esau ends up giving his birthright to Jacob. Being the youngest son, he disguises himself as Esau and heads to his father's bedside. There, he receives the blessing intended for Esau.
In The Bible Stories: Jacob, Jacob is happy to have received the blessing, until his brother finds out. When this happens, he is forced to flee from their household in order to save his life. Rebekah helps Jacob escape, fearful that Esau is going to kill him. Not quite sure where to go or how to continue his life, Jacob heads to his uncle Laban's house.
Here, he meets Laban's beautiful daughter Rachel. His heart is instantly drawn to her and she captures his attention. She has an older sister, Leah, but Jacob is not interested in her. He only has eyes for Rachel and soon goes to Laban to ask for her hand in marriage. They strike a deal that Jacob must work seven years for him, and then he will be allowed to marry her.
Overflowing with true love, Jacob readily agrees to work and wait the seven years, so that he may marry Rachel. Because he is so deeply in love with her, these years fly by quickly and the day of their wedding quickly arrives. Laban, however, does not want his younger daughter to be married before his eldest, Leah. Right before the ceremony takes place, Laban places Leah at the wedding instead of Rachel. She has a veil on and is disguised, causing Jacob to not know what has happened.
The next morning, Jacob discovers what Laban had done and becomes enraged. The Bible Stories: Jacob continues on with Jacob's rage. He instantly goes to him, declaring that he must fix the situation and make things right. Laban explains that it would seem improper to everyone if his younger daughter was married before his oldest daughter, and tries to justify his actions. In another deal to Jacob, he offers him Rachel in marriage if he promises to work another seven years for him. Once more, because of his great love for her, Jacob agrees and works for another seven years. He finally is able to marry Rachel, his true love.
However, Leah feels unloved by Jacob and enmity arises between the two sisters. It is obvious that Jacob prefers Rachel, and the Lord takes pity on Leah and allows her to have children. However, Rachel is unable to bear Jacob any children, causing even more tension between the two sisters. Between his two wives, and some of their handmaidens, Jacob has many sons and daughters. Eventually, he decides to return home to his mother and his birthplace.
In The Bible Stories: Jacob, Reluctant to let him go, Laban asks what he can pay Jacob. He gives him all the spotted and speckled sheep in his flock as his wages, and this pleases Jacob. However, Laban's sons soon realize that Jacob is taking more than half their flock of sheep, and this causes tension between Laban and Jacob.
God tells Jacob to leave that place, and he does so without informing Laban. Rachel and Leah and their entire family leave with him, causing Laban to become very angry. Before leaving, Rachel steals a household idol from Laban, completely unbeknownst to Jacob.
Angered by this, and believing that Jacob has played a part in it, Laban pursues their caravan for seven days, only to finally reach them and discover that Jacob has no knowledge of what has happened. After talking things through, Laban and Jacob are able to make a pact that will allow them continued peace in their relationship.
From there, Jacob heads back to Canaan. He receives word that Esau is coming to meet him there, with a large army of men. However, Jacob is given peace by God that things will work out okay and that he need not be afraid. Instead of the expected conflict, Jacob and Esau experience a very emotional reunion. Peace between the two of them is restored and their relationship is given a second chance because of God's great power.
The Bible Stories: Jacob tells this amazing journey from a young man to the leader of a great tribe. Jacob's story is unique and full of events that demonstrate the amazing grace of God. Though faced with many trials and much conflict in his life, Jacob remained true to what the Lord was telling him. Because of this, he was granted peace in the midst of trials and was forgiven by those who considered him an enemy. This film is riveting and full of important lessons, bringing the story of Jacob to life in a whole new way.