Buck Denver Asks Whats in the Bible? Vol 2 Let My People Go DVD
Additional Information
- Director: Phil Vischer
- Producer: Phil Vischer
- Languages: English
- Dove Approved: Dove Family Approved
- Run Time: 58 Minutes
- Region Code: 1 See More
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Let my People Go: Stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses
Have you ever wondered what is in the Bible? From the first page to the back cover? From the creators of Veggie Tales comes a series of family friendly stories and lessons intended to answer just that question. Buck Denver Asks What's In the Bible? Volume two of this entertaining and educational series, Let My People Go, explores the life and legacy of the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the life of Moses, and the Israelite's journey to the Promised Land through two. Filled with music, animation, puppets, lovable characters, Biblical stories and values Buck Denver Asks What's In the Bible? Volume 2 Let My People Go is a fun way to introduce young children to the Biblical books of Genesis and Exodus.
Buck Denver Asks What's In The Bible? More Than Bible Stories
Like many other Bible story shows created for children, Buck Denver Asks What's In The Bible is made to be both entertaining and educational. And with the creators of Veggie Tales at its head, the show is certainly set to succeed! This series, however, strives to do more than tell a Bible story. It strives to introduce children to Biblical truths, and help them see that God's power, grace, and plan for salvation is woven throughout the entirety of time and the Bible. Buck Denver Asks What's In The Bible dives deeper to help children see the themes behind the stories, and unlock the truth of God's Word for themselves. With the help of loveable puppet characters including the news reporter Buck Denver, a pirate by the name of Captain Pete, a would-be-cowboy called Chuck Waggin, two unusual archeologist brothers Clive and Ian, and many more Buck Denver Asks What's In The Bible takes a face paced, fun, and fruitful journey throughout the Bible that kids of all ages will love being a part of.
Episode 1: Who Chooses The Books of The Bible?
It is one thing to teach the books of the Bible, it is another to understand where they came from. This episode of Volume 2: Let My People Go helps children understand where God's Word came from, and how it came to be the book we have today. By exploring the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph Volume 2: Let My People Go explains how the Bible came to include the book of Genesis. Through Episode 1: Who Chooses The Books of the Bible? children will not only come to understand the creation of God's Word, but they will see how God has been at work in the lives of ordinary men from the beginning. They will also be introduced to the nation of Israel, and God's promise to Abraham. Episode 1 of Volume 2: Let My People Go is more than a fun story of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it is a reminder to children of all ages that God's Word is true and trustworthy, and that his play for redemption was being accomplished even from the beginning of time.
Episode 2: What Is Salvation?
Episode 2 of Volume 2: Let My People Go covers the book of Exodus and the life of Moses. With an understanding of how the Israelite's came to be in Egypt and God's promise to Abraham, introduced in Episode 1 of Volume 2: Let My People Go children will be ready to jump into the book of Exodus with Buck Denver and the rest of the gang! Starting off with the story of baby Moses in the basket, Episode 1: What is Salvation walks through the life of Moses, his encounter with the burning bush, the plagues, the Israelites' escape from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, and their wanderings in the desert. This episode of Volume 2: Let My People Go is more than a fun story of Moses and the Israelites. It introduces the concepts of salvation, redemption, and sin through the story and failures of the Israelites. The book of Exodus focuses on Gods temporary salvation and redemption of his people, and Episode 1 of Volume 2: Let My People Go shows children of all ages why both salvation and redemption are necessary, and introduces them to God's grace, goodness, and plan for final redemption of his children.
With fun characters, songs, and stories Buck Denver Asks What's In The Bible? Volume 2: Let My People Go will entertain children of all ages. This fun filled show takes these Bible stories beyond simply presenting them as stories and introduces children to the lessons and values behind them. Woven together Buck Denver Asks What's In the Bible shows children how God's hand and plan for salvation is woven throughout the entirety of the Bible from front to back. A family friendly show, Volume 2: Let My People Go will also provide parents with the opportunity to talk to their children about values and truths such as the truth and trustworthiness of God's Word, God's providence throughout history, God's plan for salvation, God's promises, and his power. Using the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses Volume 2: Let My People Go equips parents to help their children build a solid foundation of faith on the truth of God's word.
Buck Denver Asks What's In The Bible? Let My People Go has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, but this film is generally considered appropriate for most audiences.
If you and your family enjoyed this adventure with Buck Denver you may enjoy some of his other journeys through the Bible including Volume 1: In the Beginning the story of creation; Volume 8: Words To Make Us Wise the books of Psalms and Proverbs; Volume 10: Jesus Is The Good News Jesus' life and miracles; and Volume 12: Letters From Paul the writing of the New Testament.