The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima
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- Run Time: 85 minutes
- Subtitles: English, Spanish or Portuguese subtitles
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The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima
When persecution was reaching new heights. When a world was struggling to rebuild after being torn apart by a world war. When oppression was suffocating hope. In this time three children brought a message of hope and salvation from God to the world. The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima brings to life the story of three young children from Fatima, Portugal who experienced six apparitions from Our Lady and brought hope and healing to a struggling people. Based on the memoirs of one of the children, Lucia Santos, and thousands of eyewitness accounts, The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima will inspire and encourage viewers with the true story of three young children chosen by God.
Our Lady of Fatima
The story and film The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima centers around the lives of three young Portuguese children in the year 1917. Before May, 1917 the children were quite normal country children from all outside appearances. They were all illiterate, coming from poor farm families. Nine-year-old Lucia Santos and her cousin's seven year old Jacinta and eight year old Francisco Marto spent their days together watching the families' sheep. As Lucia remembers, Fransisco was a quite, placid child who loved music and to sit and think alone. Jacinta was spunky, yet affectionate and loved to dance. The three young children, as viewers will see in The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima, were forever changed one spring day in 1916. Apparently during the spring and summer of 1916 the three children experienced three visitations of an angel who identified himself as "The Angel of Peace." The angel appeared to them while they were herding sheep near their home village of Fatima, Portugal. The angel taught them prayers and to make personal sacrifices, and especially to spend time in adoration of the Lord.
The story of The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima was not finished yet, however, and on the thirteenth of May, 1917 the three children saw (as Lucia writes) a woman that appeared to be even more bright than the sun with rays of light around her, to all around create a magnificent site to behold. She told the three children to devote themselves to the Holy Trinity and to pray every day, which would bring peace to the world and end the war (World War I was then raging at the time). The children agreed to keep the visit a secret like they had the angel, but Jacinta told her parents. Word quickly spread throughout the tiny village, and the majority of the population believed the children were lying. When the children revealed they had been told to return to the same spot on the thirteenth of the following month their parents became concerned and Lucia's mother consulted the parish priest. Father Ferreira counseled them to let the children go, but to bring Lucia to him afterward so he could ask him a few questions. As The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima portrays, the children returned on the thirteenth of June, and once again the Lady appeared to them. This time she told them that Francisco and Jacinta would soon be taken to heaven, but that Lucia would remain longer to spread the message of peace and devotion to the Immaculate Heart. She also instructed them to say the Rosary every day, revealed to them a vision of hell, and entrusted them with the first secret of Fatima. Lucia recounted the Lady's message to the parish priest, who was at a loss whether or not to believe the children. The children received another apparition in July, and by that time news had spread of the children's visions and miracles drawing thousands to the tiny Portuguese village. On the thirteenth of August the children set out once again to meet the Lady as instructed, but the provincial administrator̴Ì_Artur Santos intercepted and arrested the children, just as The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima portrays. Artur was convinced the children were withheld information that could benefit the government, and as Catholicism was heavily persecuted at the time had little belief in the apparitions. The children were held for several days, and were intensely interrogated and threatened. Despite the brutality and their situation, the children steadfastly clung to their story and beliefs, recounting everything but the secrets entrusted to their care. After their release the children saw the Lady on the nineteenth of August when she instructed them to pray the rosary daily, to pray and sacrifice for the sinners, and she also spoke about the miracle that would happen in October. She appeared again to the children in September, but it was the apparition in October that changed the lives of thousands of people. It would come to be known as "The Miracle of the Sun." A huge crowd, estimated between 30,000 and 100,000 people, gathered with the praying children. Lucia, seeing the lady first and descending from the sun, cried out "look at the sun." The crowd did. Some saw colors, some saw it dancing, it was visible up to forty hours away. Finally, the village, and the church believed the children. Francisco and Jacinta were victims of the 1918 influenza epidemic, but Lucina survived through 2005, spreading the message of the Lady of Fatima, and recounting the secrets entrusted to the children's care (The Secrets of Fatima) to the Catholic church.
The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. Some scenes may not be suitable for young viewers, but the film The 13th Day: The True Story of Fatima is considered appropriate for most audiences. As always, however, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children.