The Song: Couples Kit DVD and Book
Additional Information
- Director: Kyle Idleman
- Producer: Kyle Idleman
- Languages: English
- Run Time: about 90 minutes + book
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Estimated arrival between Monday March 17th and Friday March 21st for USA.

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The Song: Couples Kit Synopsis
If you've experienced the recent feature film, The Song, or are looking for a perfect small group study to do with a group of couples, The Song: Couples Kit is a wonderful resource. In this 6-week study you will dive into the movie The Song, exploring the themes of love and marriage and learning about how you can apply these lessons to your own marriage or relationship. Whether you are already married, still engaged, or you just started dating, this can be a wonderful resource for you in your relationship. This is a 6 week journey through devotionals as you learn when and when not to "Awaken Love". The Song: Couples Kit contains over 90 minutes of footage, broken up into 6 15-minutes videos split across two DVDs. These lessons teach straightforward Biblical principles that are revealed through the book the Song of Solomon. The series is presented by bestselling author and pastor, Kyle Ideman. The kit also contains a 6 week supplementary devotional book that corresponds with the DVD series. This is a book that is meant for couples to read together. It has daily insights into relationships and points of prayer all drawn from the Song of Solomon. This is a series that is designed to bring you and your significant other closer together as you learn about God's design for marriage and what it truly means to Awaken Love and never fall out of love. Learn about God's design for a relationship, for marriage, and what it means to stay together through thick and thin -- until death do you part. The Song: Couples Kit is a wonderful journey for you and your spouse to take together, and whether you choose to walk through it just the two of you or with other couples, it's a transformative study that will forever change the way you look at marriage and relationships. Follow along with Kyle Idleman as he brings unique perspectives and insights on the concept of marriage that will completely revolutionize the way you treat each other and live life as a couple.
The Story of The Song
The Song: Couples Kit is designed as a supplementary tool to go along with the feature-length film The Song, starring Alan Powell from Anthem Lights. The film is touching and inspiring story full of heartwarming moments heartache as it takes direct inspiration from the story of Solomon and his book Song of Solomon. The story of Solomon is sad and discouraging one, as we see a man who was wise and close to God drawn away slowly by the allure of the world and other women in his life. The Song directly echoes this story, however, it ends with a strong message of redemption, showing the power of forgiveness and how it can conquer even the worst of sins.
As we know from the story of Solomon, he was the son of David and was heir to the throne once his father David passed away. Solomon had the strong example of his father David to live up to and at first it really appeared that he was going to. Solomon became a well-respected and liked king and was considered very favorable in the eyes of his people. God appeared to him one night and told him that anything Solomon wanted he would give to him. Solomon knew he could ask to be the wealthiest man of all time, or the most powerful man. But instead, Solomon chose to ask for infinite wisdom, asking God that he would give him the necessary wisdom and discernment needed to govern the kingdom. God was pleased with this answer, and because Solomon chose to ask for wisdom rather than riches, God chose to give him everything he hadn't asked for, including riches and power. Shortly after, Solomon became the most powerful and richest man to have ever lived. Everything he could possibly want he was given. Sadly, because of this, the other kingdoms took notice of him, and they gave Solomon their daughters in marriage so as to form good relationships with Solomon. Soon, Solomon had thousands of wives and concubines, more than any man to have ever lived. Because of this, the wives demanded that Solomon start worshipping their gods and building temples for all the different gods. While Solomon was initially reluctant, he eventually gave into his wives, building hundreds of temples to other gods. And because of this and all of the women in his life, he was driven away and eventually left God entirely.
In The Song, we see this happen to the main character, Jed King. Jed is a singer and songwriter, and he's determined to take his act straight to the top. He falls in love at a young age with a beautiful young girl named Rose and when they get older, he marries her and starts a family with her. They are happily married and truly in love, and it seems that their relationship is destined to go for as long as they live. Jed and Rose are a picture perfect couple, but as Jed's singing career slowly begins to take off, Rose more and more finds herself left behind, with Jed heading off on more and more tours. When Jed starts opening with other musicians, including a sultry young star, he begins to find himself increasingly drawn away from Rose, and drawn toward other more worldly options. This is when Jed begins to lose his faith and lose his love in pursuit of otherworldly choices.
The Song: Couples Kit Conclusion
The Song: Couples Kit is an inspiring and engaging look at relationships and how far we've drifted from God's design in our modern culture. If you and your spouse want to combat the worldly ideals for marriage, this kit is a great tool to learn more about how God wants us to act and love. The world gives us so many options and tries to teach us that everything is right and anything goes. But follow along with Kyle Idleman in The Song: Couples Kit as he shows you God's design, and the many beneficial rewards of following His plan!