Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth DVD
Additional Information
- Director: Leandro Castellani
- Producer: Corrado Biggi, Elle Di Ci, Alfio Surgaroni
- Languages: English
- Run Time: 113 minutes
- Screen Format: FS
- Subtitles: Spanish
- Region Code: 1 See More
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Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth
Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth is a beautiful film that highlights the life of an amazing man. This Italian priest who lived during the nineteenth century was known for helping the homeless youth in Turin. He vowed to make a better life for them, and he did just that. Throughout his life, he overcame great adversity as people tried to put out the light that he had. He was filled with courage and a passion for his work, so he did not let anything stop him. His heart was brimming with compassion, as he experienced a rough childhood and did not have an easy time growing up. He was able to identify with the children on the streets and gave them hope that they could overcome their situation, just as he did. Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth is a wonderful tribute to the man who had a greater impact than he ever could have imagined. This film will give viewers an insight into a man who changed the lives of many and healed the hearts of the broken.
The Life and Work of Don Bosco
Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth tells the story of a man named Saint John Bosco. He later was lovingly referred to as Don Bosco, and is most well-known by this name. He was an Italian Roman Catholic priest and dedicated his life to the church at an early age. His work in the Church was revolutionary and went against what was commonly taught and practiced.
Bosco grew up without a father, and this greatly affected him. He did not have a male spiritual leader in his life, and was forced to grow up at a very early age. However, this only made him a stronger person and filled him with a determination to help those who were in a similar situation. The Church often taught that everything was based on a punishment system. If you sin, you must go to confession and tell a priest what you had done. From there, you would be forgiven but it was most likely that you would be punished for your actions. Punishment was handed out easily and without much thought, and Bosco sought to change that. This film shows how he decided to govern with love instead of a heavy hand of cruelty.
Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth gives viewers insight into why Bosco acted the way that he did. He did not believe in cruelty and an excess of punishment, but chose to break the normal standard and rule with love. He had a very soft and compassionate heart and found it difficult to turn away those in need.
Bosco became involved with apprenticeships and helped oversee young boys entering certain trades. The employers often treated the boys with cruelty and did not give them fair wages or fair situations. He saw the flaws and the cruelty in this, and decided that something had to be done about it. Instead of standing by and letting them run things as usual, Bosco voiced his opinions and demanded that the boys be treated fairly. Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth watches as he fought for their rights and made sure that they remained in good physical health. He refused to let them be treated cruelly or unfairly, and was willing to risk himself and his own personal comfort in order to do what was best for the apprentices. Though he poured himself into this, not a lot changed and the boys were often treated cruelly and unfairly. However, he did not give up and continued to do everything in his power to give them a better life.
As Bosco went along, he recruited many helpers. As he helped young boys and set them back on their feet, they began to trust in him. He seemed like a safe place and was very confident. His warm heart and kind personality was very attractive, and soon, he had tons of young followers. The great thing about this was that Bosco was able to train them and they were, in turn, able to assist him in reaching even more abandoned youth. Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth shows him working mostly with boys, as this is what was appropriate for the time and what he was most gifted at. However, he did not ignore the female youth. He established a foundation of women who would be able to help the girls in need, and this shows just how big his heart was. Though he could not do it himself, he wanted to be sure that they were not neglected, so he established their very own foundation.
When Bosco died in 1888, his funeral attracted thousands of people. They came from all over the world to pay their respects and let him know just how much he had meant to them. In a huge way, Bosco changed the world forever. He changed the face of the Church and put the heart back in ministry. His actions spoke louder than words ever could, and the way he devoted his life to his work shows just how passionate he was. He was given the title of "Father and Teacher of the Youth", which was quite a big deal. No one in the priesthood had really devoted themselves to the youth quite like Bosco did. Too often, they were focused on those who had everything and showed promise. Bosco, however, looked at those who had nothing and raised up the ones who could not do so themselves. Don Bosco: The True Story of the Apostle of Youth is a beautiful tribute to a man who changed the world. Filled with drama, realistic stories, and tons of historical information, this film shows the heart and the work of an amazing servant of the Lord.