War Room DVD
Additional Information
- Cast: Kimberly Helms Stewart
- Director: Alex Kendrick
- Producer: Alex Kendrick
- Languages: English, Spanish
- Release Date: 12/21/11
- Run Time: 120 minutes
- Subtitles: English, Spanish, Tagalog, French, Vietnamese, Chinese, German, Korean, Russian, Italian and Portuguese
- Region Code: 1 See More
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War Room
In War Room, Tony and Elizabeth Jordan are a struggling family trying to figure out how to live life. Tony is a successful salesman who is quickly climbing the corporate ladder. Elizabeth is a successful realtor who has become well-known for her people skills and quick ability to find the perfect house for her clients. From the outside, they seem to have the perfect life. They're a happy family with a wonderful young daughter, and two successful careers. However, on the inside, their family is in complete and utter shambles. Tony and Elizabeth fight constantly and are able to make anything an issue, be it finances, Tony's long hours, or how to raise their daughter.
When Elizabeth meets a new client by the name of Miss Clara, she is impacted by her incredible faith and devotion to God. As Elizabeth spends more time with Miss Clara, she begins to learn why Miss Clara is so happy and contented. One day, Miss Clara introduces Elizabeth to her favorite room in the house, her War Room. This is the room where she spends a lot of her time, praying to God and interceding with petitions and requests. This, in turn, inspires Elizabeth to change her life, cleaning out her closet and making it her own "War Room". This inspires a series of changes in the Jordan life and through the power of prayer and the loving hand of God, they are able to redeem their marriage and work together to restore their broken family.
The Kendrick Brothers
War Room is the 5th movie to be released by the Kendrick brothers, and after years of anticipation since their previous film Courageous in 2011, they finally released a new film in 2015. This movie is their biggest and most ambitious movie to date and received a wide release in theaters across the country. The week it was released, it placed second in the box office, an impressive feat for a small independent Christian movie. The Kendrick Brothers have become well-known for their films they've released with their church and the production company Sherwood Pictures.
With their church movie studio, they were able to produce 4 feature films, Flywheel, Facing the Giants, Fireproof, and Courageous. After these four films, they broke off into their own studio, simply called the Kendrick Brothers. They then went on to work with Affirm Films on their next project, which would become the incredible movie War Room.
The Story of War Room
In War Room, realtor Elizabeth Jordan is broken inside. Although she has a great job and a wonderful daughter and a successful husband, her life at home is in shambles. Unable to get along with her husband Tony, sensing a distancing relationship with her daughter and from God, Elizabeth doesn't know what to do. Likewise, Tony is also struggling, having grown distant from his wife in order to pursue a better career. Unfortunately, Tony starts to get too caught up in his business, working longer hours just so he can make more money. Not spending any time with his family, Tony becomes consumes with his job, and even begins to take on some dishonest business practices, stealing from his company.
Tony also continues to struggle when he meets an attractive young woman at his work. Interested with her, and feeling distant from his wife Elizabeth, he has to make the choice of whether or not to pursue an ungodly relationship with this other woman. Elizabeth begins to sense something wrong with Tony and begins to wonder if he's not being faithful to her.
Things begin to get better when Elizabeth meets her new client, Miss Clara. Miss Clara is a fiery older woman looking to sell her home and downsize to a smaller place. When she meets Elizabeth, her new realtor, her keen intuition immediately tells her that there is something wrong deep down with Elizabeth. And so, after a brief realty meeting, Miss Clara gets down to the heart of the matter, interrogating Elizabeth about her life and family. When she begins to discover that Elizabeth is having problems with her marriage at home, Miss Clara introduces her to her favorite room in the house, her War Room.
Miss Clara's War Room is her private place, just an empty room in a corner of her home with a chair. This is the spot where she can be close to God and pray to Him. This is what helps keep Miss Clara going, her private time with God makes all the difference in her life. After being inspired by this, Elizabeth is encouraged by Miss Clara to go home and start her own war room. Initially reluctant, Elizabeth eventually decides to give it a try. Soon after, she empties out her entire closet and prepares to start this new journey.
While initially distracted, and unable to focus on God, Elizabeth eventually finds a quiet place where she can focus entirely on God and pray to Him. After this, she begins to find her whole world changing. She begins to re-establish her relationship with her husband, her home life and relationship with her daughter improve, and she begins to see a way out of her struggling. But all that begins to change when something terrible happens at Tony's work, and his commitment to his newfound faith is tested to the breaking point. In the Kendrick Brothers' War Room, will they be able to stay committed to God and to each other?
War Room is the much-anticipated feature from the Kendrick Brothers, and it truly delivers on all counts. It's an impressive movie with a great story and some genuine heart and humor. Viewers will be inspired by the Kendrick Brothers' familiar filmmaking style and they will be happy to see the same quality of movies they've come to expect from the Christian Movie makers. War Room is a powerful reminder about the importance of prayer and it will be sure to inspire you in your own prayer life. It may even encourage you to clean out your closet and start your own War Room!DVD Bonus Features:
Bloopers and Outtakes
Deleted Scenes
Commentary with the Kendricks
The Making of WAR ROOM
WAR ROOM in 60 Seconds
The Heart of War Room
The Church On Its Knees
Investing In the Next Generation
The Art of Jumping Rope
From Auditioning to Acting
Modern Day Miss Clara
Behind the Scenes: Color Grading
A Pastor's Call to Prayer
Warrior' music video by Steven Curtis Chapman
Exclusive Features on products available only to the Christian Retail DVD:
Stephen Kendrick Devotion
Alex Kendrick Devotion
Wall of RemembranceÌ_åÇÌÎÌ__
Redemption For the Mitchell Home