VeggieTales: Abe and the Amazing Promise DVD

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Veggie Tales: Abe and the Amazing Promise

It seems like everyone is waiting! Junior Asparagus is at his wits end waiting for the new show production to be finished. Bob decides that this is the perfect time to share the story of Abraham and Sarah. They also had to wait a long, long, long time for their promised son. Join Bob, Larry, and the rest of the Veggie gang in this hilarious film all about Abraham, Sarah, and learning to be patient. From Big Idea comes another Veggie Tales production:̴Ì_Abe and the Amazing Promise.̴Ì_

The Waiting Game

Since Larry is off on assignment, Junior Asparagus is teaming up with Bob to do the Veggie Show! Things start off ok, but suddenly Junior jumps to Qwerty and starts singing the "What We Have Learned" song! Confused, Bob stops Junior and asks him why he is in such a hurry. Junior tells Bob that his mom has promised to make him cookies after the show is done. . . so he thought he would just finish the show! Bob explains to Junior that he has to be patient just like everybody else. Bob decides this is the perfect time to share the story of Abraham with his impatient co-host. In fact, Bob decides that Junior can help him make the film. . . it will be good practice in being patient. With that, Bob and Junior are off to the deserts of Israel to film Abe and the Amazing Promise!

Junior wants to start the show right away, but Bob is having a bit of trouble with the film crew. The nurse" Miss Achmetha" is a bit bewildered, and the film crew of French peas is not quite adept at managing the film equipment. After a shaking start, Bob finally gets the filming underway. . . and then underway again, and again and again. After a frustrating round of camels and nurses and unskilled film technicians, Bob's patience is running low.

Finally we are off to Ur, in the film Abe and the Amazing Promise to interview Abram and Sarah (Pa and Ma Grape). As Bob and Junior follow Abraham, Sarah, and Lot around in the desert as they follow God's call, they learn a lot about what it means to be patient. It seems that Abram and Sarah have been waiting for a kid for years and years, and that God promised them someday they would have a child. Sometimes waiting was easy, like when they got to hang out with Lot. . . and sometimes the waiting was really hard. . . like when they had to go their separate ways. Sarah reminds Junior that the difference between just waiting and waiting for God is hope. Knowing what you will have in the end gives you strength to keep persevering. This is one of the messages of Abe and the Amazing Promise. Finally after many mishaps on the part of the film crew, and many years of waiting on the part of Abraham (yes he is Abraham now) and Sarah the promised baby arrives! And what a baby it would grow up to be!

Patience & Trusting God

Patience is a major theme in the film Abe and the Amazing Promise but this fun Veggie Tales film also highlights another important value; trusting God. Abraham and Sarah remind viewers that we can wait patiently because we can know that God will do what he says he is going to do! Hope and faith in God's trustworthiness are just as important as patience itself. Viewers of all ages will be reminded that you cannot rush God's promises, but that he will always prove faithful... no matter how long it takes.̴Ì_

Blunders In Boo-Boo-Ville

Veggie Tales: Abe and the Amazing Promise also includes a funny bonus film called Blunders in Boo-Boo-Ville. An inventor and his able bodied assistant struggle to build the creation of their dreams. Meanwhile, the townsfolk learn an important lesson about how when we learn to wait things usually turn out better then we will ever expect. This fun short will reinforce the valuable Biblical truth from Abe and the Amazing Promise that waiting on God's timing will always work out for the best!

Veggie Tales

Filled with lovable vegetables and silly songs, Veggie Tales is about more than cartoon characters, the series of films created by Big Idea are meant to plant seeds of faith and character in viewers young and old. Veggie Tales was first created by Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki who were looking for a fun and creative way to share Biblical stories, values, and lessons with children around the country. They landed on an idea of a group of veggies living on the kitchen countertop (after all, what mom would not be ok with her kid falling in love with veggies) and the rest is history. Creating a loveable cast of characters such as Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Junior Asparagus, Pa Grape, the French Peas, Madame Blueberry, Jimmy and Jerry Gourds, Laura Carrot, and Archibald the Asparagus Veggie Tales teaches wonderful faith based lessons viewers young and old alike can enjoy!


Join Junior Asparagus, Bob, the film crew, and Abraham and Sarah as they all learn a lesson on patience, and trusting God's timing. Younger viewers will learn how important patience is, while viewers of all ages will be encouraged by the truth that God always keeps his promises. . . even if you have to wait a long time! Veggie Tales: Abe and the Amazing Promise will keep viewers laughing, and the added bonus film Blunders in Boo-Boo-Ville will reinforce how important it is to wait with hope and expectation!

Veggie Tales: Abe and the Amazing Promise has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, but the film Veggie Tales: Abe and the Amazing Promise is generally considered appropriate for most audiences.


    When Calls the Heart


    "It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.".. ” - Matthew 4:4