VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong DVD
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VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong DVD
In this special VeggieTales DVD, the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan is adapted to a hysterical tale which brings this Bible story to life. Via songs and creative rhymes, children learn the true meaning of loving your neighbor through helping those around you who are in need no matter where they live. Another wonderful tale from VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong is Josh and the Big Wall. There are large and tall walls surrounding the people of Israel and are overflowing with irritating peas. Israel cannot pass to the Promised Land without going through Jericho. Joshua and the children of Israel have to make a decision, to go their own way or to let God guide them. Also in the retelling of the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the Fiery Furnace, Rack, Shack, and Benny learn the risk of standing up for what they believe in. The tale of Flibber-o-loo from Are You My Neighbor? Is one of the stories included.
The Story of Rack, Shack and Beny, VeggieTales: Heroes of the Bible Vol. 2
This story from VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong is narrated by Grandpa George. It's located in the Nezzer Chocolate Factory where workers labor all day creating chocolate bunnies on a production line. Because of a huge achievement in the chocolate bunny business, Mr. Nezzer declares that for 30 minutes employees can eat all the chocolate bunnies they desire. All the workers try to eat as many chocolate as they can but Shack, Rack and Benny decide to refrain from eating any.
Mr. Nezzer from VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong departs his office to find that all his workers are sick except Rack, Shack and Benny. All three of them are compensated and are given a higher position. The next day Nezzer calls the Rack, Shack and Benny and announces that he has built a 90-foot bunny and how he wants all employees to bow down in reverence to. He lets them know that the bunny is more important and of greater value than anything in the world. Nezzer makes it known that those who won‰ۡóÁÌ_́ÌÎ_̴Ìöt bow down to the statue will be tossed into the furnace located in the factory.
Other workers obey and prostrate but denying to do so is Rack, Shack and Benny. A frustrated Mr. Nezzer challenges the trio and requests for them to bow down. They are sent away to the furnace but Laura Carrot plans to rescue them. After they are thrown, Laura Carrot rescues them and even though they try to escape, they are captured once again and thrown into the furnace. In VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong as Mr. Nezzer relishes in his triumph, they notice a fourth person with Rack, Shack and Benny, and none of them are being burned. A shocked Nezzer asks for them to come out and the trio emerges. There Mr. Nezzer realizes God protected Rack, Shack and Benny and apologize for his conduct while receiving the trio's forgiveness.
The story of Josh and the Big Wall, VeggieTales: Heroes of the Bible Vol. 2
Having been held captive as slaves by Pharaoh in Egypt, the Israelites from VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong are freed by Moses and are guided towards the Promised Land. Since they doubt God's means, the court finds them guilty and are in exile for forty years. When the forty years are up, Joshua has become the Israelite's new leader. Their on their way to the Promised Land but Jericho is in their way. There, they Israel is confronted by the protectors of Jericho who mock them from the huge city walls. To no avail, Joshua tries to explain the reason for their passing of Jericho.
Wanting to regroup, Joshua from VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong meets with the leader of the Lord's Army informs Joshua of how to defeat and take Jericho. The Israelites have to march around Jericho once a day through six days. On the seventh day they'd have to march around seven times while blowing horns and screaming as loud as they can. The leader of the Lord's Army assures Joshua that Jericho's walls will fall. Joshua announces the plan but some of the Israelites have other ideas of how to pass. Ultimately, all of them agree to proceed with God's way and march around Jericho's walls. Jericho's defenders insult the Israelites and they try their hardest to ignore them. The city's defenders use slushies to use as weapons and to taunt the Israelites even more. Throughout the taunting from the city‰ۡóÁÌ_́ÌÎ_̴Ìös defenders and slushies Joshua does not plan on giving up. With this, the Israelites decide to retreat and regroup.
In the story, the narrator intervenes and convinces the Israelites to go on with the plan. He reassures them that God's plan is always the best and the one that always works out. The Israelites agree to continue ignoring all the taunting and slushies thrown by the defenders of the city. When the seventh day arrived, the Israelites marched seven times around the city, sounded their horns and screamed as loud as they could. Seeing this, the defenders of the city laugh and seem like they've triumphed but ultimately the walls collapse below them. The Israelites cheer and head on to their trek towards the long awaited Promised Land.
VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong DVD Features
In VeggieTales: Heroes Of The Bible Vol. 2: Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong DVD there are three stories available to watch with over 75 minutes of fun material. Bonus features are available in this DVD that include funny outtakes of kids talking about their favorite Bible characters.