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Veggie Tales: Jonah
When the Veggie van breaks down on the way to a concert, Bob finds himself stranded in the woods with a bunch of Veggie kids. When they stumble upon a forgotten seafood restaurant run by three very lazy pirates, all they expect is a nice (dry) place to wait for the tow truck. But what is in store for the stranded veggies is a crazy story about a man who was swallowed by a giant fish and lived to tell about it! From Big Idea studios comes the Biblical story of Jonah as told by veggies;̴Ì_Veggie Tales: Jonah! Come along with the veggie kids as you learn what God has to say about grace, mercy and second chances.̴Ì_
It Was A Dark And Stormy Night. . .
It was a dark and stormy night. . . well at least somewhat dark and mostly stormy. Bob the Tomato and Dad Asparagus are on a road trip with a van full of veggie kids; Junior Asparagus, Laura the Carrot, and some of the other loveable small veggies; to see the very popular singer "Twippo" in concert! When some teasing gets out of hand, things go downhill quickly (and literally) ending in a minor traffic disaster. . . the van's front tires may or may not have been punctured flat by a porcupine causing the car to drive down a hill at top notch speeds. Fortunately, the veggies in Veggie Tales: Jonah are all fine. . . but the car, not so much.
Hoping to get out of the storm until a tow truck arrives, the veggies take shelter in a nearby seafood restaurant. Tensions are running high in the group, and there may or may not be some blame being passed around the group (after all now they will not get to see Twippo), until the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything show up to tell the stranded veggies a story about second chances. . . the story of Veggie Tales: Jonah.
Jonah (played by Archibald Asparagus) is a prophet, who did not want to give the Israelite‰ۡóÁÌ_́ÌÎ_̴Ìös enemies (the Ninevites) a second chance. Instead of heading to the fish-slapping city of Ninevah Jonah runs in the opposite direction. He hops on a pirate ship where he meets a tiny carpet-selling caterpillar named Khalil. When things begin to go down hill, however, Jonah finds himself overboard in the belly of a big fish. That's when Johan realizes maybe following God is a better idea than running away. But will God give him a second chance? After a band of gospel singing angels show up to assure Jonah God does indeed give second chances, Jonah must discover what grace and mercy look like. And when the fish spits him up on dry land, Jonah must decide whether he will follow God‰ۡóÁÌ_́ÌÎ_̴Ìös call or choose his own way again. Even if he chooses to follow God, will he follow God's plan with a willing heart, or does our hero from Veggie Tales: Jonah still need to learn that God gives second chances to everyone, even Ninevites?
Veggie Tales
Filled with lovable vegetables and silly songs, Veggie Tales is about more than cartoon characters, the series of films created by Big Idea are meant to plant seeds of faith and character in viewers young and old. Veggie Tales was first created by Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki who were looking for a fun and creative way to share Biblical stories, values, and lessons with children around the country. They landed on an idea of a group of veggies living on the kitchen countertop (after all, what mom would not be ok with her kid falling in love with veggies) and the rest is history. Creating a loveable cast of characters such as Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Junior Asparagus, Pa Grape, the French Peas, Madame Blueberry, Jimmy and Jerry Gourds, Laura Carrot, and Archibald the Asparagus Veggie Tales teaches wonderful faith based lessons viewers young and old alike can enjoy!̴Ì_
Cucumbers and Conversation
Veggie Tales might star a cucumber named Larry, but what the show does through films like Veggie Tales: Jonah is simply partner alongside parents and present opportunities for conversation with their kids. Veggie Tales: Jonah is the perfect opportunity to discuss what following God looks like, even when we do not want to. It's an opportunity to discuss how God loves and forgives everyone; even those who do not deserve it, and that we should not judge whether or not people are worth of God's love, because we ourselves are not. Though Jonah might be an Old Testament story, the film Veggie Tales: Jonah paves the way for parents to pull in gospel truths to the lives of their children. Veggie Tales plants seeds of faith, and it is a wonderful opportunity for parents to play the part of the gardener and help the seeds sprout.
Join the veggie kids, the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, the fish-slapping Ninevites, a carpet peddling caterpillar, and a confused prophet on a journey of discovering God gives second chances. . . no strings attached. With wonderful opportunities to dive into conversation with your kids, and tie gospel themes to Old Testament stories, Veggie Tales: Jonah is a wonderful opportunity for viewers of all ages to learn Biblical truths together, while singing along to silly songs, and laughing with the Veggie Kids. Valuable lessons include having compassion, extending mercy and forgiveness, teasing is wrong, and that everyone deserves a second chance; whether they crashed a car into a porcupine, stole your ticket to see Twippo, or slapped you upside the head with a smelly fish.
Veggie Tales: Jonah G by the Motion Picture Association of America. This film received the "Faith Friendly" award for all ages from the Dove Foundation. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, but the film Veggie Tales: Jonah is generally considered appropriate for most audiences.