VeggieTales: Minnesota Cuke... Search for Samson's Hairbrush DVD
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Veggie Tales: Minnesota Cuke... Search for Samson's Hairbrush
Bob, Larry, and the rest of the veggie gang are back in a new Veggie Tales film. . . but this time the stakes are higher; Sampson's hairbrush. Larry the Cucumber stars as the hero Minnesota Cuke; part time museum manager and part time adventurist with a dash of charm and a scoop of detective thrown in. In his new adventure Larry must keep his long arch nemesis Professor Rattan from finding the powerful hairbrush of Sampson first. Take a worldwide journey filled with adventure, mystery, intrigue and maybe even a heroine in distress and discover the true source of Sampson's strength. From Veggie Tales comes an exciting adventure helping kids learn how to deal with bullies;̴Ì_Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush.̴Ì_
Son Of God
His birth was quiet and humble. His death shook the world. His resurrection changed history. From makers of The Bible Miniseries, Roma Downey and Mark Burnett comes a story of the man who changed history, Son Of God. An epic, a powerful point in history, a gentle, tender story Son of God brings to life the story of Jesus Christ. With a rich orchestral score from award winner Hans Zimmer and starring Diogo Morgado, Darwin Shaw, Roma Downey, and Greg Hicks Son of God shares the story of Jesus from his humble birth through his triumphant resurrection.̴Ì_
God's Own Son
"In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning." So the film Son of God begins, as John, the old and beloved disciple of Jesus, begins his story. He reminds his audience that the Word was there in the Garden at creation. He was there with Noah during the flood. He was there with Abraham, with Moses, with the Israelites during their long struggle for the Promised Land. In every step of their journey, the Word was there. He was there light. And then he came down to walk among us. Now, John wants to tell us the story of Jesus. Wants to recount the wonders, and miracles and the astounding resurrection that we too may believe in the light.
Son of God weaves together the story of Jesus, using highlights from each of the gospels that convey the true story and the true heart of God's Son. From his birth in Bethlehem, to his Baptism, his teachings, his miracles, to his betrayal, crucifixion, painful death and glorious resurrection, Son of God brings to life the story of Jesus in an impactful way that reminds viewers of the heart, sacrifice, and victory of Jesus Christ.
A Story For Those Who Have Heard and Those Who Haven't
Many viewers are already familiar with the story of Jesus; his humble birth, his miracles, his teachings, his death and resurrection; the story is an old one. And if you have not actually read the gospels themselves, you have probably seen one of the dozens of films dedicated to portraying the life of Christ. So why tell this story again? Because it is not an old story‰ۡóÁÌ_́ÌÎÌ_?ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ?it is a new story. There are those who may not have heard, and all of us need to hear it again. Many people learn through film, and for many people this will be the first time they are exposed to the story of Jesus. This is why for the producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey it was so important that the story of Jesus was told again in Son of God, and not only told, but told accurately.
Truthful, Biblical Accuracy
It is so easy when portraying Jesus in film to fall into inaccuracy, to fall into untruths or irreverence. From the beginning of production, however, the two producers (both Christians) wanted the film Son of God to be something different. They wanted it to be accurate and reverent, yet filled with the true heart of God. They wanted Son Of God to reflect biblical truth. The duo had many different groups involved in the script writing process, including Focus on the Family, they wanted to make sure that nothing false slipped by. The result? A film that highlights the Son of God, Jesus, and not the story or actors or the producers themselves. This is not a movie, but a film to help viewers understand the power of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. A film that helps people see the mercy, the kindness, the love, and the sacrifice of Jesus; fully man and fully God. He comes down to earth, he preaches new life, he suffers, he dies, and he rises again (spoiler alert). The Son of God is the story of Jesus, pulled straight from the gospels, with little in the way to distract from the real star; Jesus (and no, not the actor).̴Ì_
Films depicting the life of Jesus, can often be so graphic that families are wary of watching them together. And while Son of God is not as graphic as Passion of The Christ, for instance, the crucifixion was and is a violent affair. The producers, wanting to stay Biblically accurate, did not soften the horror and pain of the crucifixion. The painful, awful images of Jesus' suffering and death do fill the screens of Son of God, but it is not a violence simply for the sake of violence. Just as Jesus did not endure suffering for nothing, the pain and violence of the crucifixion are not included in Son of God for no good reason. This violence is meant not to entertain viewers, but to make them understand, maybe even weep over, the pain and sacrifice Jesus endured for our sake. The pain and violence in Son of God is not just pain and violence. It is a powerful reminder that along with kindness, gentleness, love and mercy depicted elsewhere in the story, Jesus' life also included terrible suffering. . . suffering he endured for us.
The sequel to the Bible Miniseries is powerful, moving, and accurate. As you watch Son of God you will be reminded of the heart and suffering of Jesus Christ, the Word come down. You may have heard the story, but the story does not get old, it is a new story, a living, saving story. . . it is the story of the Son of God.
Son of God has been rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America Rated for intense and bloody depiction of The Crucifixion, and for some sequences of violence. This film received the "Faith Based" award from Dove Foundation with a caution as some content may be objectionable. It also received a four out of five review from Focus on the Family's "Plugged In". As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children. The film Son of God is generally considered appropriate for older audiences.
If you enjoyed the film Son of God you may also like the miniseries which inspired the film The Bible Miniseries as well as the sequel series which follows the early church after Christ's return to heaven A.D. The Bible Continues.
Oh Where Is Sampson's Hairbrush?
The story begins. Minnesota Cuke, part time museum curator, part time adventurist, is currently a bit involved in the adventure side of his duties. He is trekking through the dangerous blowing snow of the high Himalayas searching for the Golden Carrot Nose of the Abominable Snowman. Unfortunately for Larry, his old arch enemy Professor Rattan (played by the gourd Mr. Lunt) is also looking for the same valuable carrot nose. When the big bully manages to swipe the valuable piece of produce, Minnesota Cuke winds up home at the Moose Lake Children's Museum with nothing to show for his troubles but a bit of frostbite. (Can veggies get frostbite?)
It seems the hero of Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush is having a bit of an identity crisis. Fortunately for viewers everywhere, the crisis is short lived. An informer from New York City arrives to inform Minnesota Cuke that Rattan is not satisfied with his giant golden carrot nose. He is now after Sampson's hairbrush? What would an evil villain want with a hairbrush? Well, legend says that Sampson's hairbrush is said to possess the same powers of Samson. Apparently the Canadian's want the hairbrush, and its power, to take over both sides of Niagara Falls! Minnesota decides he wants to use the hairbrush to get revenge on Rattan. And so the adventure of Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush begins!
What would Veggie Tales be without "Silly Songs With Larry"? Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush features the Silly Song "Pizza Angel"
Bonus Short
The Veggie Tales film Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush also features a bonus short "Bully Trouble" with Junior Asparagus. It seems Junior has been being picked on by a big bully named Mount Gourdon. When Mount Gourdon threatens to pound anyone who steps foot on "his" playground, Junior retreats to his playhouse where he dreams of being the hero who saves everyone from the big bully. When Dad helps Junior remember where courage comes from, he finds the strength to stand up to and learn to love the bully.
The Veggie Tales movie Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush is focused on the issue of bullying. While Junior Asparagus may find his bully on the playground, Minnesota Cuke's bully seems to chase him across the world; Rattan. But just like Junior, Minnesota learns in Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush that revenge is not the right way to deal with bullies. Compassion, forgiveness, and love are the godly ways to respond to those that mistreat us. As kids will learn in Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush God does not want us to get even (with or without a hairbrush), he wants us to love and show compassion to our enemies; no matter how hard they may make it, or even if they steal our prized giant golden carrot nose. Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush features themes of compassion, forgiveness, grace, and reminds children of the gospel; that God has already extended all of those things to us.
God Is Strong
Another wonderful theme in the Veggie Tales movie Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush is that God is the source of all strength. Whether it is Samson, Junior Asparagus, or ourselves strength comes from God not any special abilities inside of us. As Minnesota Cuke and Rattan discover in Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Sampson's Hairbrush objects hold no special power (not even hairbrushes) and we cannot find courage on our own... true strength and courage only comes from God. But all we need to do is ask for it in faith.
Will Minnesota or Rattan make it to Sampson's hairbrush first? Will the Canadians take over both sides of Niagara Falls? And what about the lovely red haired heroine named Julia? Will she help Minnesota Cuke or will Rattan's evil ice cream plan be her downfall? Join Larry in the rest of the gang in this adventure-filled story. Kids will enjoy the loveable veggies while adults will enjoy the witty throwbacks to Indiana Jones. Journey with Minnesota Cuke on this adventure full of mystery and intrigue and be reminded of the power of forgiveness and love and the true source of strength.
Veggie Tales: Minnesota Cuke been rated G by the Motion Picture Association of America. As always, it is recommended that parents preview all content to determine what is suitable for their children, but the film Veggie Tales: Minnestoa Cuke is generally considered appropriate for most audiences.
If you and your family enjoyed this fun take on a well-known story with Bob, Larry, and the rest of the veggies, you may enjoy some of their other adaptations of popular stories: Lord of the Beans join "Toto Baggypants," "Randalf," and the rest of the Fellowship of the Bean in this hilarious adaptation of Lord of the Rings. Sweetpea Beauty a twist on Sleeping Beauty and a lesson on where beauty really comes from. Robin Good and His Not So Merry Men can Robin convince his men to switch from theft to fundraising in this new take on an old classic?